Many automotive circuits use DMOS transistors combined with CMOS logic. The main project objective is to validate that more reliable and competitive circuits can be designed with new DMOS simulation models. Actual models suffer from poor accuracy and they are technology specific. The new model will be physically based, scalable and usable for DMOS devices in modern technologies. Both a new macro-model and a compact analytical model will be developed that describe accurately DC and AC behaviour. Robust procedures for parameter extraction will be reached, with devices from partners. The model data will be statistically analysed and worst case and Monte-Carlo models will be developed. The objective includes the validation of the accuracy, by the measurement of designed circuits, after model implementation in commercial simulators. Another target is to use the model for reliability analysis, of DMOS circuits in order to guarantee endurance.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator