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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-18

Standardisation & dissemination support actions for waterborne telematic networks & applications


SWAN is an IST Programme thematic project aimed at supporting IST research projects relevant to waterborne transport to carry common tasks through an effective, and coherent approach. SWAN aims to encourage the formation of working groups and flexible collaboration between leading researchers to exchange information and review the state of the art in broad thematic areas of common interest to the participating projects. At the same time SWAN will assist in disseminating projects' results. More particularly, a support to IST projects will be provided concerning standardisation issues, principally by gathering and distributing information on the work being undertaken in various relevant International Standardisation and Certification Bodies (ISCBs).

The SWAN project objectives include:
-providing support and information to IST research projects concerning standards and pre-standards process;
- facilitating the clustering of relevant projects around broad thematic areas and forming of working groups in order to encourage flexible collaboration to review the state of art on important themes of common interest;
-supporting the projects with special focus on common tasks by co-ordinating activities aiming to develop a coherent and common approach;
- supporting dissemination of projects results principally by establishing an on-line mechanism via the web, and the publication of state of the art reports on specific thematic areas.

Work description:
The SWAN objectives will be realised through a sequence of tasks.
Regarding standardisation, Information will be gathered on the results of the work undergone within the various subcommittees of the International Standardisation - Certification Body (ISCB) in relation to the production of standards relevant to information and telecommunication systems for shipping. Also information will be gathered on the work within the European projects that may result in a proposal for standards.
SWAN will develop a web site and maintain it during the whole duration of the project. SWAN WWW site may be used as a discussion area to develop consensus on the issues of interest to the IST RTD projects as well as for disseminating research results and other information from a single portal.
The project will organise concertation workshops, where the cluster projects representatives as well as experts and users will be invited to discuss on the specific thematic areas such as maritime communication bearer systems, satellite and broadband mobile UMTS;
decision support and integrated ship control;
traffic, travel, fleet & freight management and support applications, including systems, services and tools.

IST cluster projects experts will be contacted directly to form working groups and introductory papers will be prepared prior to meetings. SWAN will provide moderator, rapporteur and additional expertise in agreement with the Commission and distribute proceedings and minutes with conclusions. SWAN dissemination team will edit and publish a final report on each thematic area.
SWAN will co-ordinate groups of the supported IST RTD projects representatives in order to work together towards common approaches and presentation of results concerning common tasks of technical nature such as, user requirements analysis, system specifications definition and verification results.

Significant milestones will be the development of a maritime IST projects identity providing a common look & feel for the sector's publications, web-sites and presentations.
Other key achievements will be the production of high quality publications, following each event, with state of art reports on each theme, event proceedings with conclusions and recommendations;
the maintenance of an on-line mechanism via a SWAN web site for exchange of views and documents among interested parties;
the production of a CD ROM including public deliverables of the relevant IST RTD projects;
the edition of an electronic newsletter.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (18)