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Content archived on 2024-05-18

SOftware DEvelopment improvement for TELecommunication applications using component-based & quality assurance methodologies


The project SODETEL consists in the adoption of component-based software development techniques, its deployment into a current baseline project for the development of several application critical components and the validation of the new component-based methodologies, metrics and tools used in this approach. Since the baseline application domain is telecommunication service monitoring for satellite links, CORBA objects will be implemented as an expression of software components to improve inter-process communication mechanisms in a distributed environment. This implementation will replace traditional Remote Procedure Calls (RPC,s) used in the past, in the search for a more reliable, open and standardized software products. With the success of this Best Practice action, the integration of the resulting baseline product into globalise telecommunication network management systems (TMN) will be feasible in the near future.

- Improve the software development process used for telecommunication applications through the use of Component-Based paradigm and Quality Assurance methodologies;
- Analyse the applicability that new methodologies and technologies have in telecommunication applications development and their impact in business objectives (cost, time and quality) of SME engineering organizations;
- Evaluation of Component-Based Analysis & Design methodologies and Quality Assurance techniques on the development of telecommunication applications;
- Contribute and disseminate the project results to programme participants.

Work description:
The work in the project starts with an assessment on the current software development process for the introduction of the metrics which will provide a reference starting point to compare against when finishing the component development phase in the project. An intensive training program will follow this on a new methodology (PSP) and selected CASE tools for development: most likely, Rational or Telelogic for UML and Orbix, HP Open view or Visionary for CORBA. The framework for the development of critical application components will follow with the generation of specifications, analysis and design of components using UML methodology; identification of development phases and activities and the introduction of the metrics and QA plan to be applied next. A complete component-based roadmap for the development will be generated. Following, eight critical components and subcomponents will be implemented and finally integrated into the baseline project to get the intended product functionality. The next step will analyse and evaluate the obtained results to display the specific improvement figures on productivity, estimation accuracy, reliability (yield), reuse and cost and schedule management in relation to previous development techniques. The work will end up with the dissemination of experiences, lessons learnt and results obtained from this software development improvement action.

The first milestone in the project is associated to the achievement of deliverable D4: a complete roadmap for the development following the component-based approach. The success in this point is critical for subsequent development activities, as this stage in the project implies the availability of the development technology, the specification of components and the implementation plan. The second milestone will come with the integration of implemented components into the baseline project, deliverable D8. Its achievement will prove the component-based approach is feasible for the baseline domain, providing the desired functionality to the application product. Reaching this milestone will allow us the evaluation and measurement of improvement in the software development process.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
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Total cost
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