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Content archived on 2024-05-18

Automated Generation and Execution of test suites for DIstributed component based Software


AGEDIS will develop a methodology and tools for the automation of software testing in general with emphasis on distributed component based software systems. The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the European software industry by automating software testing, and improving the quality of software while reducing the expense of the testing phase. The AGEDIS approach to software quality is to model the software, and then automatically generate a test suite based on coverage criteria and testing constraints defined in the model. The automated test suite is then executed by a component-based execution engine, which encapsulates knowledge of the model and its translation to the software under test. This approach is particularly suited to component-based software whose interfaces are clearly specified.

AGEDIS will develop state-of-the-art technology to automatically generate a test suite based on coverage criteria and testing constraints defined in the model. A component-based execution engine that encapsulates knowledge of the model then executes the automated test suite and its translation to the software under test. AGEDIS intends to capitalize on the experience and expertise of the research partners in this field, while providing an industry-proven methodology and automation tools for the use of the European Community's Software Development Industry. By the end of the project, AGEDIS will have proven its effectiveness as a methodology and toolset. This will be done by comparative studies with existing testing methodologies and with existing tools that implement similar methodologies. As part of the tangible objectives of the project, we intend to have the AGEDIS methodology and tools adopted by at least four leading software producers in the European community. The results of the project will be available to all European software producers, both in the form of an educational package and software tools, and as a testing service provided by the technology transfer member of the consortium.

Work description:
The project consists of four parallel action streams: technology development, application experiments, technology transfer, and project management. In the first phase of AGEDIS, we will study existing software modelling languages both graphical and textual (e.g. SDL, Murphi, UML, Lotos, SPIN, Z, CSP) and define a language for modelling with all the requisite constructs for high level modelling of component-based distributed software for the purpose of generating test suites. The language will be chose with regard to achieving wide acceptability and rapid adoption in European software development centres. Thus the likely course of action will be the choice of an existing language and the definition of extensions to the language to facilitate test generation and coverage analysis. The second element of the first phase involves two application experiments to be carried out with existing prototype tools provided by the consortium partners. The purpose of these experiments is to evaluate and refine the requirements for the modelling and integrated toolkit. These initial studies will take 4 to 6 months and include a retest of an existing function in a product (to provide a baseline for measuring success) and a pilot study of a new feature being added to a product. The second phase involves intensive research and development of a software modelling language, its compiler, and the integration of the tools into a unified test automation environment. This phase will be driven by the requirements generated during th application experiments. This phase will be punctuated by three application experiments: one with the first version of the unified toolkit and methodology, and two with the final products of the project. The consortiums partners will do additional inform application experiments using the AGEDIS tools and methodology to test certain components of the AGEDIS software tools them. The third and final phase of AGEDIS will include the publication of a methodology document, and the final production of test generation and execution tools integrated and improved on the basis of feedback from the second round of application experiments. The project will close with a public seminar including a tutorial on the use of the tools and papers describing the application experiments and their results.

1. A provably effective methodology for the automation of component based software testing;
2. A software modelling language which incorporates testing directives adapted for the modelling of component based distributed software;
3. An integrated toolset for the methodology, including a compiler, generator, execution engine, and productivity and feedback tools;
4. Promotional and educational materials for the rapid adoption and commercialisation of the above.
A provably effective methodology for the automation of component based software testing;
- A software modelling language which incorporates testing directives adapted for the modelling of component based distributed software;
- An integrated toolset for the methodology, including a compiler, generator, execution engine, and productivity and feedback tools;
- Promotional and educational materials for the rapid adoption and commercialisation of the above.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (6)