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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-24


CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


A method has been developed to generate a key signal for an object or person in the image from a standard TV camera without using a chroma-key background. The method can be used as a form of "depth keying", for example to allow graphics to be keyed into a TV image so as to appear behind a presenter but in front of the background behind him. The method involves illuminating the object or person with pulsating coloured light, which the camera sees as being "on" and "off" in successive images. Real-time image processing algorithms detect the areas of the image with this characteristic illumination, generate a key signal for these areas, and also provide a ?clean? version of the original image with the pulsating light removed. More information on the MetaVision project can be found at:
Freeware reader and writer. Allows MXF files to be created and displayed in a Media Player. Until the recent standardisation of the MXF file format in SMPTE, only incompatible proprietary file formats existed. These proprietary formats prevented file based communication between products from different vendors. With the advent of MXF and the freeware implementation from Snell & Wilcox, this market has now been opened up to competition. Although the base layer specifications and implementations for MXF exist today, work is still continuing in the SMPTE to define the enhanced versions. The Snell & Wilcox MXF Express SDK comprises of two parts: - A simple MXF wrapper program and Windows Media 9 plug-in which allows MXF files to be simply created and played on any Windows based PC. - A set of MXF dedicated tools to enable users to build MXF wrap and read applications for their own products. More information on the MetaVision project can be found at:
This result concerns new algorithmic approaches to lossless compression developed during the MetaVision project, and their software implementation. In particular, it includes conference papers and journal contributions published in international journals and conference proceedings. Know-how on lossless compression for academic dissemination concerns all the material and know-how developed in the area of lossless compression in the MetaVision project. In particular, it consists of project deliverables and documents, master dissertations (tesi di laurea) and PhD theses, technical papers published in international journals and conference proceedings. This material will be used in future for teaching the aspects and algorithms of lossless compression in graduate classes. More information on the MetaVision project can be found at:

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