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Content archived on 2024-05-18

Providing Innovative Service Models and Assessment


PRISMA will contribute directly to the objectives of Key Action I by providing for the first time a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the impact of IST on all aspects of the provision of citizen services, both in relation to each service field covered by Key Action I as well as to important cross-cutting themes. The project will examine fundamental and critical issues and developments, including those which cross between service fields, and put these in the context of socio-economic and technical developments, long-term visions and scenarios, an understanding of how these services are likely to change, an the challenges and opportunities this presents. PRISMA's work will assist Key Action I RTD projects, service providers, policy makers and other stakeholders in exploiting present and future trends. PRISMA will develop into a commercially sustainable set of tools and services covering methods and best practice guidance, scenario and modelling techniques, metrics and evaluation criteria, and socio-economic benchmarking techniques for assessing impacts. PRISMA will contribute directly to the objectives of Key Action I by providing for the first time a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the impact of IST on all aspects of the provision of citizen services, both in relation to each service field covered by Key Action I as well as to important cross-cutting themes. The project will examine fundamental and critical issues and developments, including those which cross between service fields, and put these in the context of socio-economic and technical developments, long-term visions and scenarios, an understanding of how these services are likely to change, an the challenges and opportunities this presents. PRISMA's work will assist Key Action I RTD projects, service providers, policy makers and other stakeholders in exploiting present and future trends. PRISMA will develop into a commercially sustainable set f tools and services covering methods and best practice guidance, scenario and modelling techniques, metrics and evaluation criteria, and socio-economic benchmarking techniques for assessing impacts.

PRISMA will promote a citizen-driven Europe based on innovative approaches to modernising citizens services, by:
1. mapping overall trends and changes affecting citizen services over a 10 year time horizon;
2. identifying current best practice in the provision of citizen services and relevant cross-cutting themes;
3. elaborating long-term visions over 10 years for the provision of citizen services and in relation to selected themes;
4. conducting foresight and scenario-building exercises looking forward over the next 10 years for these services and themes;
5. developing new models of service delivery based upon future-oriented best practice models for these services and themes;
6. providing practical tools for policy makers, service providers and other stakeholders;
7. disseminating project results widely within Key Action I and the IST Programme and out to stakeholder groups;
8. supporting and assisting RTD and other Key Action I projects by providing on-going results and data.

PRISMA's methodology will be based on mapping major trends and changes affecting citizen services in order to assess current best practice. This will be used to undertake foresight and scenario-building exercises in the context of long-term visions, and to generate future-oriented best practice models, both for the service fields represented in Key Action I as well as for important cross-cutting themes: (1) service models: one core model each for health, persons with special needs (including the disabled and the elderly), administrations, environment, transport and tourism; (2) thematic models which cut across the service models and look at more general and critical themes and issues, e.g. public-private partnerships, self-service provision, sectoral and organisational change, management and competence systems, user-involvement and interfaces, financing and cost-benefits, technology and standards, etc. These will be finally determined during the project to reflect current and changing issues, enabling synergy across all Key Action I services to be developed, something not possible by examining just one or two services. The methodology used to develop these future-oriented best practice models will not be a traditional linear process but instead a parallel, iterative approach in which the analysis is not sequentially fixed but which allows each factor to play off against other factors on a number of occasions during the research process. This "spiral" research process, as opposed to the traditional linear one, is both iterative and developmental. In this way, each best practice description and model will be refined using at least five generic iterative factors: socio-economic, legal and regulatory frameworks, cultural environments, user and other stakeholder requirements and interests, IST trends. On the basis of this work, PRISMA will develop a tool box, data and methods for RTD projects and relevant stakeholders. The work will be underpinned by close collaboration with expert and thematic panels, using selected test beds to feed into the project and assess its results, as well as other European cases. An independent Advisory Panel will monitor overall work and results.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (10)