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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-15

Vapour dEtEctION - Area reduction in demining


The BIOSENS project aims to develop a Biosensor system, a vapour detector sometimes called "the artificial dog's nose", which will be able to find the smallest quantities of explosives in the mines. The goal is that in a few years time the system will revolutionize demining in South East Europe and in the whole world. The development is a continuation of a research program that started in 1995.

The Biosensor system will be used for:
- Area reduction;
- As a confirmatory instrument to detect whether a "suspected" mine contains explosive;
- As a system to verify whether an area that has been cleared is actually free from mines.

The BIOSENS project will achieve the following five objectives:

- To design and build a portable sample collection unit (month 9) for use with a 4WD-based Biosensor prototype which is being developed within the DEMAND project (WP 240.2) (month 18).
- To build and design a prototype, where the 4 WD-based analysis system is expanded to include the simultaneous detection of TNT, RDX and PETN and where the detection rate has been increased further (month 30);
- To build and design a prototype where both the collection system and the analysis system are man portable in order to reduce the costs and to facilitate the use of the Biosensor system in areas not easily accessible by vehicle. The system will detect TNT, RDX and PETN simultaneously and the detection rate will be increased again (month 36);
- To develop a standard and methodology for tests and usage of the Biosensor system and other possible vapour detectors.

Work description:
When the project begins, a first generation of a TNT detection prototype with known performance will exist;
WP2 deals with the sample collection system and another work package (WP240) within the DEMAND project deals with the first analysis system. The overall aim of these two work packages is to develop a new TNT prototype with a higher detection rate. However, this system will not be able to detect other explosives than TNT and it will not be man portable;

WP3 is intended to expand the number of detectable explosives to include RDX and PETN, both of which are indicators of the presence of mines;

WP4 seeks to reduce in size both the sample collection system and the TNT / RDX / PETN analytical unit in order to make it possible to use the Biosensor system in areas not easily accessible by vehicles. The detection rate of the new prototype will be compatible with UN requirements;

WP5 is a comprehensive test program, starting in month 0 which will support the research and development through the whole project. During the proposed project, the Biosensor system will be tested during 24 test periods in at least four different mine test fields and in one real mine field;

WP6 deals with the exploitation of the TNT detection system and the multi-compound detector (after month 36).

Month 9: Prototype sample collection unit;
Month 18: A portable sample collection unit;
Month 30: A prototype detection unit where the range of detectable explosives is expanded to include the simultaneous detection of TNT, RDX and PETN;
Month 36: A man portable prototype that will detect TNT, RDX and PETN simultaneously.


Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée

Voir sur la carte

Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (3)