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Content archived on 2024-05-18

Accelerating Cross-Fertilisation and Transfer of VIVE approach


ACTIVE Project overall goals are to increase SMEs' awareness of the new potential associated to the use of ICT tools and methods, and to promote the Users' readiness to enter Virtual Enterprises. The strategy to achieve such goals is to deploy the available VIVE methodology to three different business cases, belonging to rapidly increasing market sectors and suitable to maximise the dissemination potential and to ensure a wide number of replications. VIVE methodology allows for effective Virtual Enterprises constitution and operation, through the introduction of a new entity (the Business Integrator) and the definition of the integration of supporting ICT infrastructure. ACTIVE specific quantitative objectives are: Actual constitution of three Virtual Enterprises; Reduced Product lead time and final cost; Reduced Time to Market; Reduced overall Project Management effort; Reduced VE constitution time; Increase of the VIVE Interest Group Participant up to 1000 members.

In the new global market, Companies are forced to self-organise in networks of independent business units (Virtual Enterprises) to exploit co-operatively contingent business opportunities. Within this scenario, ACTIVE overall goals are to increase SMEs' awareness of the new potential associated to the use of ICT tools and methods, and to promote the Users' readiness to constitute and operate Virtual Enterprises. The strategy to achieve such goals is to deploy available VIVE methodology to three different business cases selected to maximise the dissemination potential and to ensure a wide number of replications.

ACTIVE Project objectives are:
- Constitution of actual Virtual Enterprises, built on real Frame Agreements and on shared business processes;
- Evaluation of quantitative business metrics, to assess the improvements induced by VIVE BPs adoption;
- VIVE Interest Group increased at least up to 1000 members, in order to create a European critical mass of potential users of VIVE BPs.

Work description:
ACTIVE Project is based on the transfer to the participants to three different business cases, selected from rapidly increasing market sectors (suitable, therefore, to maximise the dissemination potential and the number of possible replications), of the VIVE methodology for constitution and operation of Virtual Enterprises.

VIVE framework is based on:
- The identification of a new entity, the "Business Integrator", in charge of assessing the business opportunities and of building up and managing the VE;
- The concurrent design of VE overall process and the identification of industrial partners, suitable to cooperate to exploit new business;
- The deployment of a common legal and technological infrastructure, accommodating the operational requirements of the VE. ACTIVE Project consortium is composed by 12 participants, from 5 different countries of the EU, which will be trained on the VIVE methodology to be capable of constituting and operating VEs.

The project, which has duration of 18 months, is logically structured in two different phases:
- Definition phase, consisting in all the activities required to constitute the Virtual Enterprise, including the business opportunity assessment, business plan definition, VE process design and VE Frame Agreement definition;
- Development phase, in which the VE operation activities will be prepared and executed, including VE's Partners personnel training on the VE's overall process and supporting tools and process improvement.

Improvements associated to the adoption of VIVE BPs will be evaluated in terms of reduced Product Lead Time and final cost; reduced Time to Market, reduced overall Project Management effort and reduced constitution time for VEs. Special attention is paid to the dissemination and exploitation issues, developed in a specific workpackage, which span over the whole Project duration, during which VIVE Interest Group will be developed to disseminate results and to create a critical mass of VIVE potential users.

The project will have two milestones (MLS):
MLS 1, named Virtual Enterprise Design and Constitution, characterised by the availability of:
- Virtual Enterprise design and relevant ICT infrastructure;
- Virtual Enterprises Agreements;
- Virtual Enterprises Business Plans.
MLS 2, named Virtual Enterprise Operation and VIVE BP Synthesis, at the end of the Project, characterised by the availability of:
- VEs operation results;
- VIVE BP Synthesis and Assessed Business Metrics;
- Exploitation Plans.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
00193 ROMA

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (10)