FELLOWS has developed a new-generation open distance learning (ODL) platform called the Fellows ODLP. All the technical developments have been carried out by CybEOsphere.
The main components of the Fellows ODLP are the LMS (Learning Management System) and the LCMS (Learning Content Management System). The Fellows ODLP enables and facilitates online training processes, from training course design to tutoring, monitoring of trainees and course administration.
Fellows ODLP has been designed for the requirements of training institutions and training departments of companies who offer tailored training programs (specific content, training services, administration rules). It provides a very powerful tool for training institutions that want to control the whole training process.
The ODL platform has completely been specified and designed in co-operation with the pedagogical partners of the Fellows project. They have provided the pedagogical background and practical expertise on which all platforms training service models are based.
On-line training must be simple to be efficient, which is even a more critical issue in the case of the Fellows target population. The HCI design and the global ergonomics of the platform have been developed in collaboration with the partners from the University of Leeds, who are experts in these areas.
The Fellows ODLPs main strength is to provide a solution adapted to the needs of pedagogical institutions dealing with trainees having low levels of education and specific learning needs. Currently, no complete e-learning packages for these user groups are available on the market. The Fellows ODLPs added value include important characteristics such as:
- Flexibility and modularity,
- Authoring efficiency,
- Online training activities diversity,
- Autonomy,
- Ergonomy.
One of the key features of the Fellows ODLP is its user-friendliness. Trainees with very low IT skills can follow a course, and trainers can produce an on-line training programme without being an expert in information technology. The trainer can hence focus his/her attention on pedagogical aspects and the specific needs of his/her group(s) of trainees. The Fellows ODLP leaves a large field for creativity and innovation in cyber-training courses.
The Fellows ODLP is a software suite that can be tailored (through customised configurations of the LMS and the LCMS) to the specific needs of any training institution due to innovative software architecture and a large set of APIs.
The Fellows ODLP is Java Web based.
The technologies involved:
- Java EJB,
- Java Servlet,
- Flash MX full dynamic HCI (directly connected with the Java EJB using XML RPC communication protocol).
More information on the FELLOWS project can be found at http://www.istproject.com/fellows/