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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-21

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems improve road transport safety, efficiency and comfort. ADASE II provides the communication and dissemination platform between experts in the field, authorities and the public. It requires involvement of all major players. Transport authorities, road providers, E&S and automotive industry will organize expert workshop on the key areas of importance in the development of Advanced Driver Assistance systems. It relates new vehicle technology with telematic links to traffic management centres, other vehicles and service providers. Within the cluster management, information and exchange between relevant running and upcoming projects is managed and channelled. Public awareness of functions, performance and efficiency of ADASE II is of mandatory importance. All media such as web, newsletter etc. are going to be used for information and dissemination.

ADASE II is a thematic network that integrates international, national and regional activities in the field of Active Safety and Advances Driver Assistant Systems. ADASE II investigates new paths for European transport systems. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are concepts to improve transport safety, efficiency and comfort without additional loads on resources (energy and land use), on environment and on quality of life. ADASE II combines new vehicle technologies (including innovative vehicle control) with telematic links to traffic management centres, other vehicles and service providers. The vehicle gains information about the (near and far) driving environment and informs the driver, warns him in hazardous situations or even reacts by releasing the driver from some driving tasks. Besides safety related aspects ADASE II will offer the basis for improved interfaces to other transport modes and profitable additional applications and services such as smart travel advice, tele-commerce, in-car entertainment, mobile office support etc.

Work description:
The preparation of the market introduction of ADA systems requires a holistic process and therefore all major players in the ADASE II environment have to be involved. Together with transport authorities (CETE; RWS), road provider (Cofiroute), E&S (CLEPA) and automotive industry will organise 5 workshops on the key areas of importance in the deployment of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.

These are:
- legal aspects and human machine interface (HMI),
- architecture and technology roadmap, road infrastructure design and road-vehicle, vehicle-vehicle communication systems and applications,
- sensor technologies,
- effects on safety, throughput & comfort (presentation of preliminary effects).

Within the cluster management the information exchange between relevant running and upcoming projects is managed and channelled. In these information meetings access to experts in the field is established and a bi-directional flow of information and feedback will be attained. In addition the ADASE II objectives will be harmonised with respect to political bodies and organisations active in neighbouring fields. The preparation of standard and legal and liability issues are discussed in close contact to EUCAR, CLEPA and ERTICO. From the expert workshops the communication strategy will be derived. By analysing the ideas generated within the expert workshops, future needs regarding technological, societal and economic aspects will be identified and transferred into requirements for new projects to be initiated in the 5th FP and its successors.

Major project milestones coincide with the expert workshop on:
- legal aspects & human machine interface (month 9);
- architecture & technology roadmap (month 16);
- road infrastructure design & road-vehicle, vehicle-vehicle communication systems & applications (month 21);
- sensor technologies (month 28);
- effects on safety, throughput & comfort (month 34).

Results are disseminated via different media such as web, newsletters etc. within the cluster management.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (9)