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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Corporate Ontology Modelling and Management System


The ONTO-LOGGING project brings together the expertise of three industrial companies in the areas of knowledge management systems, intelligent agents, and user interface; two research organisations in the areas of ontology formalisation and user modelling to build a set of tools on which to base the next generation distributed knowledge management systems.

This objective is to be achieved along four main lines of action:
1) Developing of a distributed ontology formalization system, built over the existing W3C standards and Semantic Web activity, like RDF, RDF-Schema, or upcoming standards like OIL and DAML.
2) Enhancing the customisation possibilities of current KM products, via a meta-repository of corporate knowledge which will allow to reduce start-up costs, and will make it possible for the user to dynamically optimise the corporate ontology as the knowledge of the organisation evolves.
3) Developing and incorporating metrics which allow to quantify the relative success and merit of competing ontologies.
4) Incorporating recent developments in intelligent agent technology for user modelling and intelligent category extraction.

The project objectives are:
1. To develop a set of tools to pave the way for next generation distributed Knowledge Management systems, able to support different independent ontologies and knowledge bases and providing the basis for transparent interoperability and knowledge exchange.
2. To integrate those tools into a KM platform which will be tested in a pilot site, in order to assess the benefits of deploying the ONTO-LOGGING technologies.
3. To provide input for existing standardisation efforts in the area of corporate ontologies, and particularly in the area of ontology interoperability.

The ultimate goal of the system is to build an Enterprise Value Planning system which substitutes current focus on Enterprise Resource Planning solutions. The final result of the project will be a product which far exceeds the capabilities and commercial possibilities of existing products worldwide.

Work description:
The project has a total duration of 30 months, and the developments have been divided into five main workpackages, which will follow the initial system specification phase:
1. KBMS Infrastructure, devoted to providing the advanced platform on which the rest of the tools to be developed will be run, including the querying/browsing facilities.
2. User Modelling & User Centred Tools, which will provide the facilities for user profiling and intelligent category extraction.
3. Knowledge Edition Tools, which will provide for the definition of ontologies, automatic knowledge extraction and annotation, knowledge base edition, and the inference engine.
4. Knowledge Usage Tools, where the conflict detection agent and the knowledge distribution system and agents will be developed.
5. Knowledge Market & Evaluation Tools, providing all the distributed infrastructure required for supporting knowledge markets and multiple corporate ontologies: the knowledge request broker, the ontology reconciliation agent, the ontology extension tools, and the ontology evaluation/metric system.

A case study will allow to orient the system towards the concrete needs of current corporate environments, and a pilot system will be run from month 18 onwards. This pilot system will allow to test and refine the system components, as well as to demonstrate the main innovations of the project in the areas of corporate knowledge formalisation and metrics, KM-oriented user modelling, and distributed dynamic ontologies.

The project will provide the following exploitable results:
1. a technological and functional platform pilot (toolbox) that could be used for the building of a new generation of knowledge management products.
2. a set of component modules (like the Ontology Editor and the User Profiler) which can be subject to separate exploitation.
3. the KM application to be developed as a case study.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (5)