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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-24

Ontology-based electronic integration of complex products and value chains


The OBELIX project sets out to be the first and premier e-business ontologies project in the world. OBELIX focuses on researching and providing smart scaleable integration and interoperability capabilities needed in the coming e-business stage of dynamic value constellations (DVCs), characterised by much more complex products and services, supply chains and value networks, and associated electronic market transactions. The key to smarter forms of collaborative e-business lies in realizing a higher level of machine-understandable semantics in e-business data and processing systems on the Web. Several recent efforts already provide first steps to more semantics in e-commerce applications (e.g. various XML format standards). OBELIX aims to achieve this, by building upon recent developments towards the next intelligent generation of the WWW known as the Semantic Web. The OBELIX project sets out to be the first and premier e-business ontologies project in the world. OBELIX focuses on researching and providing smart scaleable integration and interoperability capabilities needed in the coming e-business stage of dynamic value constellations (DVCs), characterised by much more complex products and services, supply chains and value networks, and associated electronic market transactions. The key to smarter forms of collaborative e-business lies in realizing a higher level of machine-understandable semantics in e-business data and processing systems on the Web. Several recent efforts already provide first steps to more semantics in e-commerce applications (e.g. various XML format standards). OBELIX aims to achieve this, by building upon recent developments towards the next intelligent generation of the WWW known as the Semantic Web.

OBELIX aims to develop an e-business ontology tool suite and library to support smart collaborative e-business and the realization of innovative applications.The OBELIX tool suite consists of an ontology server providing facilities for editing, component brokering, ontology management, and Web language import and export, plus a number of ontology-based tools including an e-business scenario analysis and simulation tool for DVC models and strategies, an automatic product classifier to speed up application of content management standards, and a multi-product configuration tool for online collaborative design scenarios. In addition, OBELIX will deliver a modular e-business ontology library. The tools will be validated through three e-business applications: e-markets for energy trading and servicing, new digital music value chains and online design of events.

The work to be done naturally follows the tool and application developments, with workpackages on: Business, Application, and Tool Requirements: The requirements for the OBELIX tools suite from a technological point of view and through the iteration with the end users to identify and the requirements for the e-business applications will be set-up. eneric ontology server development: The technical infrastructure and tools to support the engineering, use and handling of ontologies will be developed. This includes the storage, retrieval, maintenance and mapping of ontologies. For this purpose an Ontology Server will be developed which covers these topics. DVC e-business scenario analysis and simulation: A generic e-business ontology and associated tool for networked value constellations will be developed. Scenarios are a useful technique to specify the events that have to be dealt with by value constellations and virtual enterprises in order to conduct successful e-business from end to end (business value chain to end customer).Multi-product cataloguing and configuration: An ontology for e-configuration will be designed, a tool for the automatic classification of electronic Catalogs, and a tool for on-line collaborative configuration of products will be build. Application development stream: Studies and demonstrators: The application studies and trials proposed in the project will be developed. The results will be tested and evaluated to measure the degree of achievement, as well as, to provide feedback for the tool suite developers and the e-business ontologies generated. Evaluation and integration of results: Here the final integration of the tools in the tool suite is performed and the results of the project are evaluated.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
48160 DERIA

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Total cost
No data

Participants (6)