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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-24

A Virtual Marketplace For The Implementation Of Healthy Nutritional Plans


HEALTHY-MARKET focuses its research on the construction of a web-based, agent-mediated virtual marketplace to support citizens in putting into actions medical nutritional advice and in developing healthy eating practices. The project will initially address specific categories of citizens at risk, for which healthy nutrition is important for their activity, like sportsmen, and/or for preventing risk factors like high blood pressure, heart diseases, certain cancers, diabetes. The system will be tested in 3 sites in Europe: in Spain, Italy, and Estonia. An additional test, with local funding, will be performed in Argentina.

The ambition of HEALTHY-MARKET is to link the production industry, mainly in the food domain, and the consumers through the mediation of the providers of certified and trustable medical information (e.g. clinical/nutrition Centres) and of the providers of certified information about food and produce composition (e.g. certified Laboratories). The producers are expected to offer their produce with nutritional information approved by certification Centres (food + information). Based on these certified product information and on the clinical information already available for weight and nutrition control, the system will then build personalized nutritional plans (up to the construction of single menus) based on individual health profiles, personal tastes, preferences.

Work description:
The workplan structure is organised around nine workpackages, grouped into four main areas:

* Definition of the HEALTHY-MARKET concept and system.
The system concept will be specified in detail, taking into account both user requirements and technological state of the art; the system architecture will be designed and functional and technical specifications will be produced.
Two workpackages belong to this area: WP1. User Requirements and WP2. System Specifications.

* Implementation of the HEALTHY-MARKET system.
Each of the building blocks identified in the system functional architecture will designed, implemented and verified against the specifications.
This work is organised into three workpackages: WP3. User & Community Support, WP4. Supplier Support, WP5. Knowledge Base.

* Industrial exploitation Commercial viability and user acceptance will be assessed by using a prototyping approach.
A first prototype will be available at month 12, in order to start a first pilot validation phase. During the pilot phase, which will last until month 21, the modules' design will be continually improved, according to recommendations provided by the validation team, and a new version produced in the lab. The new version will be released at month 21, in order to start a second pilot validation round. The recommendations derived from the validation phase will be used to define commercial exploitation plans for the HEALTHY-MARKET product, including a business model for the role of suppliers industry in the practical implementation of healthy lifestyles and detailed launch plan for the HEALTHY-MARKET solution.
The work is organised in two workpackages: WP6. Validation, WP7. Dissemination & Implementation

* Management and control.
This group includes workpackages related to the smooth management of project activities (both technical and administrative) and quality assessment.
They are: WP8. Assessment & Evaluation, WP9. Project management

- User Requirements at month 6;
- HEALTHY MARKET prototype at month 21;
- Validated platform, ready for exploitation, at month 30.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (11)