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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Intelligent tyre for accident-free traffic


The goal of APOLLO is to create an intelligent tyre for improving road traffic safety.

The objectives:
1) to provide vehicle and tyre manufactures new products to increase traffic safety;
2) to enable improvements for chassis control systems and ADAS;
3) to enable the implementation of new services concerning tyre and road conditions for users both inside and outside the vehicle.

The objectives are met by integrating innovative sensors into tyres for monitoring tyre condition, road condition and tyre-road interaction, developing new solutions for wireless communication between tyre and vehicle and a batteryless power-supply, constructing an "intelligent" tyre system by integrating all electronic components. This enables tyre data to be transmitted and converted to a usable form for vehicle systems, and making relevant tyre and road information available both to drivers and other users like infrastructure maintainers, vehicle and tyre suppliers, fleet operators and service providers.

Work description:
The project comprises of eight workpackages starting with a horizontal activity, "Project management" (WP1). The substance part of the project starts in workpackage 2, 'Requirements' with an objective to specify customer oriented requirements and to create a reference application for the project. At the same time, several other workpackages start their activities. Workpackages 4 and 5 concentrate on developing a multifunctional sensor system having a wireless communication interface and a batteryless power supply. The mechatronic tyre-wheel prototype will be designed and constructed in workpackage 6 by using the input from the workpackages WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5. The tyre and vehicle system dynamics are investigated in worpackage 3 and an extensive assessment of the developed mechatronic tyre-wheel system is carried out. User needs and important information for innovative services the intelligent tyre system can provide both within and outside the vehicle are focused on in workpackage 7. This work will provide already at an early stage with input to WP 2, which will utilise the information received in defining the reference application. The project reaches its culmination point in the workpackage 8, where the mechatronic tyre-wheel system constructed in workpackage 6 is utilised. The automotive manufacturer partner will provide the project with a verification vehicle for a platform to show the final achievements of the project in real driving conditions. An additional important result of workpackage 8 will be an exploitation plan and a roadmap to future industrial applications of the intelligent tyre system.

The main outcome of the project is a novel, innovative and verified prototype of an intelligent tyre, which consists of a tyre, integrated sensor system, a wireless communication interface and a batteryless power supply.

The project has the following milestones:
M1: Reference application and requirements defined; first draft of a mechatronic tyre concept;
M2: Sensor, communication interface and a power supply tested;
M3: Mechatronic tyre-wheel system prototype constructed and tests started.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
02044 ESPOO

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (6)