Overview on the generic concepts:
- The generic concepts describe the QoS Meta-Model and an UML-Profile for QoS, allowing the easy design of QoS aware applications. Additionally, the provided framework and the common base functionalities are elaborated. The generic concept describes the following aspects: QoS, objectives, Model Driven Architecture, QoS meta-model (including contracttype, dimension, binding), UML-profile for QoS, framework and common base functionalities.
Integration into CCM Meta-Model:
- The QoS Meta-Model is bound to the CCM Meta-Model. Particularly this is realized by an integration of namely the QoS model elements, the CCM Meta-Model and the QoS-CCM binding.
Specification of interfaces for non-functional services:
- The specification of interfaces for non-functional services serves as an implementation reference. This comprises Architecture (container, component identity, interceptor dispatcher, container portable interceptors, and QoS-Provider), Run-time Support (negotiation, QoS call-back interface, QoSUsage interface, and generic QoS context), Deployment of QoS Provider, Extension entry points (in Java and in C++), as well as specifications related to QoSproviderFactory interface, QoSProvider interface, bootstrapping, monitoring, and supervision.
Major key innovative features of the result are:
- System independent modelling of QoS features;
- System dependent generation of code in order to generate a framework for rapid implementation of QoS features based on the Qedo CCM implementation;
- Depending on the future business development of CCM the tool-chain for the CCM design, implementation and deployment process might turn out to be extremely time and money-saving.
The implementation of the QoS specification is at the stage of an experimental development (laboratory prototype) pre-product. In the exploitation plan the use prospects are described in detail.
The following Group Deutsche Telekom internal documents were derived:
- Thomas Unterschütz, Konzeptplanung Workshop Open Source (Arbeitstitel), T-Systems Nova, Technologiezentrum, V01, 5.5.03.
- Thomas Unterschütz, Michael Geipl, Bericht zum MWQoS II Meilenstein 1: Anforderungen der Telekommunikationsdomäne an Komponentenarchitekturen, T-Systems Technologiezentrum, V1.0, 08.11.2002.
- Thomas Unterschütz, Michael Geipl, Bericht zum MWQoS II Meilenstein 2: Spezifikation nicht-funktionaler Komponenten Schnittstellen/Telekommunikationskomponenten, T-Systems Technologiezentrum, V1.0, 08.07.2003.
- Marc Born, Olaf Grunow, Fraunhofer Fokus, CC Platin, Middleware Quality of Service MS3 (Installation und Benutzung der MS3 Software), Berlin, v1.0, 19.01.02
In the context of the COACH QoS activities the following papers, presentations and publications were prepared or supported:
- Tom Ritter, Marc Born, Thomas Unterschütz, Torben Weis, A QoS Metamodel and its Realization in a CORBA Component Infrastructure, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 36 (HICSS 36), 2003.
- Object Management Group, CORBA Components 3.0, 2002, formal/02-06-65.
- Object Management Group, QoS for CCM RFP, 2003, mars/03-06-12.
- Object Management Group, UML for QoS & Fault Tolerance, 2002, ad/02-01-07
- Michael Geipl, Thomas Unterschütz, Application Server im Umfeld von Web Services, Open Source und CORBA Component Model (CCM), TK Aktuell, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Leben, Heft 05/06, Juni 2003.