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Content archived on 2024-05-18

INdustry-driven TRAining for Low-power European Designers


The ability of designing low-power circuits and applications is key for electronics industries aiming at market competitiveness in the "wireless era". INTRALED targets the increase of low-power design skills of engineers belonging to European microelectronics and telecom industries. Each partner will offer a Cluster of five courses covering different aspects of low-power design. Course contents are established as joint effort of academic and industrial partners. Courses are taught by experts from academia and industry. Hands-on sessions will complement the lectures. Industrial editions of the Cluster are reserved to employees of the hosting companies; academic editions are open (free of charge) to graduate students of any European university and to designers (with registration fee) of any European company.

Objective of the project is that of increasing the low-power design skills of engineers from European IST industries. It will be achieved by:
a) Setting-up and developing a Cluster of five courses covering methodologies and tools for the design of low-power systems;
b) Running six editions of the Cluster at partner's sites during project lifetime;
c) Running on-demand editions of the Cluster within (and beyond) project lifetime at interested companies not belonging to the INTRALED consortium.

The Cluster will leverage background and technical competence of the proposers on different aspects of low-power design. Expertise accumulated by the proposers through several industry-academia joint co-operations will represent the distinguishing value of the Cluster.

Work description:
The consortium consists of seven partners. Three of them are academic institutions (covering the role of course providers), two are EDA companies (providing technology and tool support) and two are wide-body microelectronics and telecom industries (acting as main users).

The workplan is structured into five workpackages (WP).
-WP1 is concerned with definition of the course contents, preparation and updating of the course material, set-up and management of the internal web-site and material repository.
-WP2 deals with organization and running of four editions of the Cluster at the academic partners' sites.
-WP3 focuses on the organization and running of two Cluster's editions at the users' premises.
-WP4 addresses Cluster advertisement, support for distance learning, dissemination and exploitation of project results (both internal and external). These are key activities for the success of the project.
-Finally, WP5 deals with project co-ordination and management, including financial and contractual administration.

Milestones and expected results of the project are:
- Advertisement brochure and public web-site (by M1);
- Course material in electronic form (by M6) and its updates (by M12 and M24);
- First academic edition of the Cluster (by M12);
- Two industrial editions of the Cluster (by M24);
- Remaining three academic editions of the Cluster (by M36);
- Exploitation plans (preliminary, by M24, and final, by M36).

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
10129 TORINO

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (6)