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Content archived on 2024-05-18

Robust Development of Organisations

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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RODEO CompetencyDaq provides an enabling environment for innovation and creativity through which it could be possible to analyse the overall competency profile of an organization, in real-time, while those competencies are emerging and evolving. The CompetencyDaq tool is a web application that helps capturing and rating the events that manifest individuals' competencies on a day-to-day basis, and collecting information to create a self-regulating market of competency stocks (CompetencyDaq, like Nasdaq or BBC CelebDaq, a fictitious celebrity stock market). The tool provides dedicated interaction areas to submit feedbacks on social interactions happening among the players, specifying the competencies involved, and to declare each personal competency needs. Each feedback is used to credit a number of shares of the mentioned competencies to the player addressed by the feedback and thus building up each player's portfolio of competency shares. The value of the shares is computed as a factor of its value within the organization - representing the need of this specific competency - and of its availability among the employees - its distribution in the market. By analysing the information collected, the tool provides suggestions about the players that better addresses the competency needs expressed. It also provides a detailed monitor section to analyse the market information and the social network structure as expressed through the connections build by means of the feedbacks.
The RODEO Process concentrates on the question "how can findings from complexity studies enable the transformation of companies towards more robustness in turbulent environments". This means that companies will have to change their understanding of what an organisation is, namely not a controllable system that can be steered via linear cause-effect relationships, but a living organism made up of interacting agents, that shows unpredictable behaviour and emergent structures, where organisational boundaries are vague and connected to the overall environment, the network of the organisation. Companies that want to get more robust on a complexity-basis not only have to change their view, but they also need guidelines, principles (see below) that help them to successfully do the transformation. Historicity/Time Complex adaptive systems (CAS) have a sense of historicity. This means that, although the future behaviour of a CAS cannot be extrapolated from the past, the past of this system is still important for its present and future position. Self-organisation/Emergence Self-organisation means that the system organises itself, i.e. that the single agents of the system find a structure bottom-up on their own, without having a master plan or an observational guider telling them how to organise. Diversity In companies, this means that the right mix of people is indispensable for innovation and creativity. Self-organising teams cannot work if all team members have the same strengths and weaknesses; it is the combination of different abilities that makes such a system creative, but also robust. Patterns (pattern recognition) CAS behaviour shows patterns. These patterns can e.g. be observed in a flock of birds or the complex structures of beehives. In companies, pattern recognition implies that emergent patterns, such as informal organisation and communication structures, can be observed and made use of. Unpredictability For agents in a system like a company, this means that they should not only be aware of the unpredictability of their organisation as a whole, but also of the unpredictability of the impacts of their actions on others and the whole system. Edge-of-Chaos The Edge-of-Chaos can be interpreted as the balance between structure and flexibility a company needs in order to become robust. The RODEO Process wants to help companies in obtaining a complexity-view on their organisation and in striving for a more robust position by fostering their functioning as a CAS. This process is enabled in three phases each supported by an individual module: Phase 1: Awareness creation The RODEO Process is grounded on the six complexity principles described above. Business companies are CAS with a strong addition: the social (human) component. Individual motivations, perceptions and requirements are strongly impacting the behaviour of the individual "agents" of this specific CAS. Therefore the objective of RODEO is not to make companies adapt and implement these six principles as standardised features, but to create awareness for the principles, for their specific challenges and for the potentials they provide for an organisation. MODULE 1 thus allows companies to learn and understand the basic complexity phenomena of interest to RODEO by the means of a RODEO Calendar, a Complexity Introduction Workshop and a Follow up (Pop-up) tool. Phase 2: Context Analysis The second step of the RODEO Process, the Context Analysis, inquires and assesses the robustness of an organisation, with respect to the type of turbulence it has to deal with. Therefore the Context Analysis comprises the identification of the key (internal and external) turbulence drivers, the assessment of the robustness of the company and the derivation of measures and the indication of required tools. MODULE 2 thus allows companies to analyse their current robustness in order to identify (with respect to the turbulence of their environment) necessary measures and tools for improving it. Phase 3: Tools selection and application Based on the robustness of the considered organisation and the derived need for action, which were elaborated within phase 2, appropriate tools will be selected and applied in phase 3. MODULE 3 thus provides a range of methods that could potentially support the implementation of necessary changes in companies as result of the indications given by MODULE 2 in the areas strategy formation, organisation design, enabling environment and forecasting. In order to build the RODEO Tool & Method Guide, existing tools were scanned and new tools developed for the specific context of RODEO.

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