Developed societies have become increasingly dependent on ICT and services.
Infrastructures such as information and communication, banking and finance, energy, transportation, and others are relying on ICT and are mutually dependent. The vulnerability of these infrastructures to attacks may result in unacceptable risks because of primary and cascading effects. The investigation of cascading and feedback effects in highly complex, networked systems requires massive support by computer-based tools. The aim of ACIP is to provide a roadmap for the development and application of modelling and simulation, gaming and further adequate methodologies for identification and evaluation of the state of the art of critical infrastructure protection (CIP); for analysis of mutual dependencies of infrastructures and cascading effects; for investigation of different scenarios in order to determine gaps, deficiencies, and robustness of information infrastructures; and for identification of technological development and necessary protective measures for CIP. Developed societies have become increasingly dependent on ICT and services. Infrastructures such as information and communication, banking and finance, energy, transportation, and others are relying on ICT and are mutually dependent. The vulnerability of these infrastructures to attacks may result in unacceptable risks because of primary and cascading effects. The investigation of cascading and feedback effects in highly complex, networked systems requires massive support by computer-based tools. The aim of ACIP is to provide a roadmap for the development and application of modelling and simulation, gaming and further adequate methodologies for identification and evaluation of the state of the art of critical infrastructure protection (CIP); for analysis of mutual dependencies of infrastructures and cascading effects; for investigation of different scenarios in order to determine gaps, deficiencies, and robustness of information infrastructures; and for identification of technological development and necessary protective measures for CIP.
The aim of ACIP is to provide a roadmap for the development and application of methods, that means identification and evaluation of the state of the art of critical infrastructures protection; analysis of interdependencies of infrastructures and cascading effects; investigation of scenarios in order to determine deficiencies and robustness of information infrastructures; as well as identification of technological development and protective measures for CIP. Supporting methods will be developed in close connection to application in practical cases in order to initiate and maintain a dialogue with industry, academia, public authorities and other users as well as providers of infrastructure, to seize R&D needs and R&D resources as well as threat perception, vulnerabilities and related preventive measures. Stakeholders will be invited to discuss the results and to contribute to the work in progress in workshops in order to co-ordinate and co-operate with other ongoing or planned initiatives and programmes related to CIP.
ACIP proposes a research initiative to identify and develop tools, methodologies, and technologies and to apply them in a coordinated way. The work plan will consist of seven work packages:
WP1: identification and investigation of available methodologies and definition of requirements to model and investigate vulnerability, criticality, interdependency, design-measures of critical infrastructures on a technical level;
WP2: identification and assessment of requirements for methodologies to evaluate relevant ICT;
WP3: identification and assessment of requirements for CIP-related scenario techniques;
WP4: Assessment of state of the art in respect of CIP modelling and analysis methods (including tools); WP5: Identification of methodological requirements to investigate policies for CIP;
WP6: Development of a roadmap to build a comprehensive integrated hierarchy of methodologies for Analysis and Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Protection;
WP7: Project management involves both project leadership and routine administration. It is intended to integrate stakeholders on all levels of the value chain into the progress of work. Therefore it is necessary to identify and convince important stakeholders at the beginning of the project that their feedback to the project progress is of highest value and of mutual benefit. Steps to be taken are as follows: well-selected stakeholders will be invited to participate in workshops within WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, and WP6 on their own costs; intermediate results in highly aggregated form will be provided prior to the workshops; discussion and feedback will be expected during and immediately after the workshops.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinator