The objective is to accelerate the transformation of our faculty into a modern, networked research and education centre. The actions undertaken will enhance connections between research in applied physics and computer science, local IT companies and European research centres. New research concepts will be disseminated by means of workshops, conferences, open lectures and collaboration with other research centres. New interdisciplinary educational programmes will be introduced at graduate and undergraduate level. The project will help to integrate our high academic potential within ERA and will help us to take part in the activities of the 6FP.
The project focuses on a cluster of measures surrounding the research and educational programmes in modern computer physics. We are planning 2 workshops on applications of neural networks and optimisation of network flows, which will contribute to the development of the topics and will attract to them local researchers both from the university and IT companies. The conference on econophysics will gather leading European specialists in that field and will make the exchange of new concepts and results possible. We will collaborate with European research centres on the above-mentioned topics as well as on modelling of continuous and discrete processes, statistical analysis of networks, processor test beds in large-scale calculations and mobile communication technologies. The collaboration will take the form of exchange visits and conducting research together. We plan approximately 25 short visits of researchers from COPIRA to the collaborating institutions to ensure a bi-directional flow of information and to develop research projects of mutual interest. New concepts in computer physics will be disseminated among society by means of public open lectures. New lecture courses for graduate and undergraduate students will be prepared at the academic level. This will enhance the students' opportunities on the labour market. The project will be performed by the COPIRA group of researchers and educators, who have long experience in international research collaboration and in organisation of scientific events on a large scale.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinator
31-007 KRAKOW