HEREIN 2E aims at strengthening the dissemination of the HEREIN project's results to Newly Associated States (NAS). HEREIN illustrates a fruitful collaboration between the Council of Europe and the major Ministries of Culture of the European Union countries and the European Commission. Standards for information exchange as well as best practice work will be further strengthened and disseminated. Therefore, authorities, professionals, researchers and NGOs of EU and NAS will keep in touch with cultural heritage policies and developments in other countries. The HEREIN team will transfer its know-how by extending its network to NAS partners and training national team of correspondents on national policy data reporting and exchange, construction and management of multilingual thesaurus in the field of cultural heritage and XML document management system on open source software.
The HEREIN project of the IV FWP set up a new frame of cooperation between European governmental bodies in charge of the cultural heritage preservation and conservation. Standards and best practice work were experimented to keep authorities, professionals, researchers and NGOs in touch with cultural heritage policies and developments in other countries.
The HEREIN 2E project will increase the overall impact of the HEREIN RTD work along two directions:
- Build a critical mass of actors over Europe, by extending the current working group to competent bodies of Newly Associated States through specific actions and financial support;
- stimulate synergies in both formal and informal forums across disciplines, communities from the cultural heritage and the new ITC sectors, and international bodies (UNESCO, Council of Europe and EC).
Work description:
The work to build a critical mass of actors will consist in:
- Promoting the current standard and best practice towards NAS countries;
- Training experts from the new countries' competent bodies to the use of the cooperative tools: national policies databank and multilingual thesaurus;
- Supporting the experts in the production of their national cultural heritage policies;
- Supporting the experts in the extension of the thesaurus to new languages and translating it to others.
The work to stimulate synergies across disciplines, communities and international bodies will consist in:
- Training experts in the use of the DTDs (Document Type Definition according to XML;
- eXtended Markup Language) for the production and retrieval of national policies data;
- Training experts on the use of XML document management system based on open source software;
- Performing electronic forums to facilitate the dialog between experts of the administrations and other actors (networks, NGOs, local authorities, professionals);
- Increasing governmental bodies awareness on the benefits of new ICTs and facilitating the user access to the cultural heritage by means of a common Internet portal.
E1 E2 and E3 Milestones will be adjusted with the HEREIN 2 milestones according to the start date of the project.
Milestone #E1 T12 Revised database; Evaluation report and recommendation.
Milestone #E2 T6 Training manual and list of candidate terms for each language.
Milestone #E3 T12 revised and updated Thesaurus enlarged to languages of NAS.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinator