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Content archived on 2024-04-30

Viscous and aeroelastic effects on wind turbine blades



The objectives of the project are:

To employ systematic 3-D Navier Stokes calculations for rotor blades of different shape in order to clarify the aerodynamic mechanisms associated to three-dimensional and rotational effects and their dependence on the geometrical and inflow parameters.
To revisit the dynamic stall problem from the aerolastic point of view using simple modeling of dynamics and advanced solvers for the aerodynamics. . To devise a comprehensive aerodynamic database including both the 3-D and the aeroelastic results. This database will be valuable for tuning and assessing the performance of simpler, engineering-type, models. . To provide a detailed step by step account of the progress, significant achievements and breakthroughs which have been built up so far on the aerodynamic and aeroelastic codes through JOU2-CT93-0345, JOR3-CT95-0007 and the current project.


The technical approach is based on numerical investigations by means of advanced CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques. All the computations will be performed with state-of-the art Navier-Stokes codes and turbulence models, which have been verified within the context of concluded and ongoing Joule projects. Four applied research oriented institutes (CRES, RISOE, FFA, DLR), three basic research oriented universities (DTU, VUB, NTUA) and a blade manufacturer (LM Glasfiber) are participating in the project.

The expected achievements are:

To perform a parametric study of three dimensional and rotational effects by means of 3-D Navier-Stokes solvers for different blade geometries - To investigate blade-wake interference effects
- To identify and understand the mechanisms of the three-dimensional separation and the radial effects in terms of the blade geometry and the operational conditions
- To open a new window in Navier-Stokes aeroelasticity using 2-D and quasi-3-D Navier Stokes solvers for the flow and simple mass-spring-damper supports for the structure.
- To review the state of the art of advanced aerodynamic modelling for wind energy converters by summarizing methodologies established and results obtained within the current and concluded relevant JOULE projects and, eventually, provide reference aerodynamic tools for the European Wind Energy Industry.
It is envisaged that the scientific conclusions of the project will provide the guidelines for a direct improvement of the state-of-the-art engineering tools which are used for machine design and certification.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Marathonos Avenue, Km. 19

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Total cost
No data

Participants (7)