The objective of the project is to improve the performance of active stall regulated wind turbines by using "self-optimisation" procedures, and to comprise these in a dedicated "expert wind turbine controller module" for use with already existing wind turbine controllers. The specific objective is to develop a prototype for the dedicated controller module, and two adaptive optimisation strategies: A procedure for optimisation of the blade angles at wind speeds below rated, and a load control procedure for better utilisation and extension of lifetime of the critical parts of the turbine structure at wind speeds above rated.
From a detailed service life investigation on wind turbines of different make, the 'hot-spots' in the structure and in the functional parts are defined, with regard to lifetime loading. With the purpose of later being able to control the loads in these 'hot-spots' two active stall regulated turbines placed on significant different sites and of different make are installed with measuring equipment. In a first measuring campaign both turbines are measured for reference purpose, also including power performance and wind conditions. The optimisation strategies are developed in an iterative process where knowledge about active stall regulation and control system response together with the new ideas, are modelled into an aeroelastic simulation program. This code is used to virtually test the procedures. At the same time the demands to the dedicated controller module with respect to communication, necessary processing speed, storage capability, long term data safety etc. is defined. Two prototypes for the dedicated controller module are build up, and the functions are tested in a test stand along with the wind turbine controllers. The prototypes are implemented on the two test turbines and a new measuring campaign is commenced. During this, the results and benefits of the control strategies are evaluated with regard to the reference measurements, and eventually modifications to the procedures are made.
The expected achievements for active stall regulated turbines, is a power performance improvements for wind speeds below rated due to the blade angle optimisation, and a more competitive turbine due to better utilisation of the structure and/or safer operation, for wind speeds above rated. Significant lifetime cost savings is expected from avoiding major repair work because of better load control, and a power performance increase is expected on sites where the general loading on the turbine is below the projected loads. The results will be exploited directly in the wind turbines developed by the companies participating in the project. It is further the intention, that the dedicated controller module after a product development phase will be put on market for sale to European wind turbine manufactures.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
4000 Roskilde