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Contenido archivado el 2024-04-19

Highly efficient conversion of biomass to power and heat

Exploitable results

The project assessed the technical performance of a biomass-to-energy conversion system with a slagging cyclone gasifier, a filtering system (based on a swirler and ceramic sleeves) and an indirectly-fired gas turbine, in different configurations. The firing concepts studied help in understanding the efficient and reliable production of electricity and heat from biomass, and have been pursued further in follow-on work. Biomass conversion via gasification still has severe technical difficulties, as the gas produced contains contaminants that can damage high efficiency turbines. As an alternative to the very difficult hot gas clean-up techniques, the project focused on an indirectly-fired gas turbine (IFGT) preceded by a filtering system based on a combination of a swirler and ceramic candles. The gasification unit was also innovative, as it worked as a slagging cyclone gasifier having large ash retention capability.

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