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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-07

Virtual Library


VILIB will develop a system for a cross-lingual search of catalogue titles and of full-text documents, including the following languages and language pairs: English, French, German and Spanish. English, French and German can be combined for a multilingual search; #Spanish - English# and #English - Spanish# will be offered as pairs. VILIB will make extensive use of results obtained under project CANAL/LS (LB-3063) and of know-how gained under ESPRIT project EMIR.

Technical approach

The VILIB system integrates the following components:
a User Engine (user front-end and WWW interface);
the augmented CANAL system: Linguistic Server, Linguistic Analysis and Translation System (derived from the CANAL/LS system, developed under Libraries project LB-3063);
Z39.50-gateway: Transformation from Linguistic Server Requests to Z39.50 V3 protocol messages (in the case of catalogue titles) and Z39.50 V3-Search Engine;
full text extraction: the IT7 indexing system.

Key issues

VILIB adds value to networked information services delivered through libraries by providing facilities to improve the results of catalogue searches through linguistic processing of queries. It supports unified access to combined networked information and library-based resources by providing an interface to both catalogue data and full-text. VILIB contributes to the creation of linguistically enhanced tools for searching networked information repositories.

Impact, users and expected results

In general terms VILIB will help library users to cope with Europe's linguistic diversity. The possibility of cross-lingual searches facilitates access to multi-lingual data and can thus open the market for "national language information" which need not necessarily be in English.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
25-27 rue Jeanne Braconnier
92360 Meudon la Forêt

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (6)