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Content archived on 2024-05-18

2nd workshop on holistic fisheries management and 11th meeting of directors of fisheries research organisations of the European Union


A grant is requested to support two interrelated meetings:
1) The 11th Meeting of Directors of Fisheries Research Organisations of the European Union
2) A 2 lid Workshop oil Holistic Fisheries Management.

The Holistic Workshop will precede and report to the 11th Directors meeting.

The overall purpose of these meetings is to promote the co-ordination of national fisheries research programmes within the EU Fifth Framework Programme and to plan for the Sixth Programme for research ill the field of fisheries and aquaculture Workshop oil Holistic Fisheries Management In March 1999, under the auspices of the European Union Fair Programme (Accompanying and Support Measures, Ref MAC 20/98), a Workshop entitled 'Towards Holistic Fisheries Management" was held in The Hague. A report of the workshop was presented and discussed at the 10' h Directors meeting at Olhao, Portugal ill May 2000.


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EU contribution
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Turistgatan 5

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