The NUGENOB database includes all data from the NUGENOB study. The data thus provide a thorough set of characteristics from 771 obese and 119 lean European subjects from 8 European cities. From all subjects background information regarding habitual diet and life-style, family history of obesity and related diseases are available. All subjects completed a one-day clinical investigation programme including assessment of fasting energy and substrate metabolism (indirect calorimetry), and plasma levels of obesity related hormones, metabolites and substrates. The one-day investigation included a high-fat test meal (95% energy from fat, energy intake 50% of estimated BMR). 3 hour metabolic response (calorimetry and blood samples) was obtained from all subjects.
All obese subjects were randomised to a 10-week intervention programme consisting of a hypocaloric diet (about 600 kcal energy deficit per day), either with a low fat content (20-25% fat) or with a medium fat content (40-45% fat).
All subjects were genotyped for a long list of candidate SNPs and haplotypes.
Quantitative gene expression of 40 selected genes and microarray-based gene expression profiling was conducted on subcutaneous adipose tissue samples obtained before and after the dietary intervention. However these analyses were only conducted in sub samples of the obese study population.
The data are saved in a big databank from which specific data can easily be extracted. All datasets extracted from the databank are anonymous, and thus does not include any type of information that can lead to the identification of the subjects who participated in the study. The database includes following categories of data:
- Screening data;
- Baseline anthropometrics from clinical investigation day;
- Basic and post meal metabolic rate and fat oxidation;
- Basic and post meal appetite scores;
- Blood values (fasting, 1,2, and 3 h post meal, and fasting week 10): insulin, glucose, free fatty acids, total glycerol, free glycerol, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol;
- Blood values (fasting, 3 h post meal, and fasting week 10): VLDL TAG;
- Blood values (fasting at baseline and week 10): leptin, IGF;
- Weight and compliance registered weekly throughout the 10-week dietary intervention;
- Body composition and fasting blood values obtained at the end of the 10-week dietary intervention;
- Food recordings: 3 day habitual diet, 1 day intervention diet at week 2,5, and 7, and 3 day intervention diet at week 10;
- Questionnaire data: social variables, physical activity, drinking and smoking habits, weight and dieting history, health and illness, family history of obesity and obesity related diseases, SF-36 qGenotyping data for approximately 40 SNPs in approximately 20 candidate genes for obesity;
- Quantitative gene expression data for 35-40 genes (available for 2 x25 subjects).
The databank is ready for use for external collaborations as well as supplementary analyses within the NUGENOB project. Target data can easily be extracted from the databank. The data are anonymous, and thus does not include any type of information that can lead to the identification of the subjects who participated in the study.
The database will be of major interest for future research projects and is expected to be a cornerstone in several European as well as national research projects. The FP6 Network of Excellence NuGO "European Nutrigenomics Organisation - linking genomics, nutrition and health research" (coordinated by Ben van Ommen), as well as future projects under the 6th and 7th Framework Program are expected to incorporate the databank and the project as such.
In addition, the members of the consortium has build up knowledge regarding the strategies for setting up data storage facilities in multi-centre trails, setting up case report forms for entering the data, data cleaning etc.
In order to use the data from the databank a synopsis defining the aim of the project, the samples needed, the analyses planned, the plans for publication etc must be presented to and approved by the NUGENOB Project Steering Committee.