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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-15

Innovative therapeutics for the prototype autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis


We will develop novel, specific, therapeutics to treat the model autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis, which is caused by antibodies to the muscle acetylcholine receptor (Ache). The therapeutics (to be tested extensively in vitro and in vivo experiments) will target different aspects of the immune response and involve
(a) ex vivo immunoadsorption of the anti-Ache antibodies by immobilized polypeptide fragments of the Ache;
(b) protection of the Ache and reduction of B cell activation by modified non-pathogenic engineered monoclonal anti-Ache antibodies;
(c) selection of active subtractions of normal human lag for in vivo intravenous lag (Ivy) therapy; (d) induction of mussel tolerance by the use of recombinant Ache polypeptides;
(e) peptide vaccination against a dominant T cell receptor;
(f) peptide:MHC multimedia complexes to identify T cells ex vivo and tolerate them in vivo; (9) antilogous, Specific-specific, tolerogenic dendrite cells for in vivo use;
(h) combinations of selected therapies; (I) for the more efficient therapies, we will study gene expression levels by micro array technology in order to explore their mechanisms of action, and to identify potential new drug targets.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
127,Vassilissis Sofias Av. 127
11521 ATHENS

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Total cost
No data

Participants (7)