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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-21

Development of a 100% biodegradable and photo-selective mulch film for sustainable agriculture


The objective of the project is to develop new and innovative 100% biodegradable and photo-selective mulch film vegetable crops, at a competitive cost. The project is focused on finding an environmentally friendly and economically viable solution for the management of plastic agriculture waste (both post-harvest and production), through the complete biodegradation of the material. We have carried on an innovation pre-checking and found that nowadays there is no mulching with these characteristics in the European market (throughout STEP 1 we will make a exhaustive search). Although few biodegradable mulch films exist in the market, neither of them combines biodegradable and photo-selective properties. Added to the great advantages provided by plastic mulch, photo-selective mulching prevents radiant energy in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum to pass through reducing in this way weed growth, lowering towards zero the use of special chemicals. This characteristic is highly appreciate in agriculture, mainly clear photo-selective films, as it could control weed growth and at the same time allows part of sun's radiation to pass through, which warms the soil more rapidly and maintains soil temperature, providing earliness crops. To develop the new mulch film, we will use biodegradable polymers already on the market with the aim that the final product...

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Ctra. Nacional 340 km, 419 Pol. Ind. San Nicolas

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Total cost
No data

Participants (1)