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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-18

Strategic information for the development of agricultural quality products in the european mountain areas.


The project aims at providing strategic information for the development of quality products in the mountain areas of Europe, in order to contribute to the sustainable agricultural development of these areas. It will be carried out by consortium of 14 organisations from 7 European countries, with highly significant experience in research and development addressing mountain agricultural products. It will consist in the collection of information in various study areas and at the European level, their analysis, their compilation and their dissemination in particular on:
- the consumers expectations with regard to mountain agricultural products
- the comparison of the different methods and legislations certified or approved for measuring and controlling the quality of these products
- the comparison of quality and its criteria for mountain products in Europe. The results will be of direct and concrete use for mountain development actors.

Appel à propositions

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Contribution de l’UE
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Rue Philippe Le Bon 46

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