CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-04-19

Digital Data Recorder Terminal


The DART project will develop a cost-effective technology, based on up-to-date key components, for a magnetic tape recording system storing many different types of digital information at different speeds enabling the user to retrieve stored information both rapidly and easily. This recording system should handle all or most of the digital services to be provided on future IBC Networks and must have the capability for connection to an intelligent control device such as a personal computer or workstation allowing for numerous applications.
The main objective of the research was to develop a cost effective technology for a magnetic tape recording system that can store many different types of digital information at different speeds enabling the user to retrieve the stored information in a fast and easy way. The recording system should be able to handle all or most of the digital services that will be provided on the future integrated broadband communications (IBC) network. In connection to the IBC, this recorder must be capable of connection to some intelligent control device, in the form of a personal computer or workstation which enables numerous applications.

A key issue was the development of a recording channel with high bandwidth and high recording density, suitable for a wide variety of digital data storage applications. This involved the improvement of recording heads, the design of accurate mechanical components suitable for narrow track widths and fast access and the study and realisation of improved channels electronics and error correction methods.

As a result of the research a first concept for a digital data recorder terminal (DART) recorder has been investigated, including the integrated broadband communications network (IBCN) services that are suitable for recording on this DART concept.
Technical Approach

The project aims at the development of the technologies necessary to use magnetic tape storage for a wide variety of applications. In a previous RACE project attention was given to TV and HDTV recording. The DART project builds upon the results of this project (R1001: DVT) and performs research to extend the current technology for TV and HDTV recording to a system that can store and retrieve all or most IBC digital services. This will require improvements in several parts of the recording system. To be able to handle non TV-like signals, studies are planned on improved channel components and error correction strategies. Since the recorder must adapt itself to the data rate of the digital service, several data rates will have to be supported. This will require work in the channel electronics and servo systems. Also the recorder is expected to have advanced multi-speed operation capabilities which allow the user to search at high speed for the information. Therefore studies will be performed on tape transport systems that allow for high speed tape transport while still being able to read some important information from the tape.

Investigations and tests of interfacing this recorder to different equipment in the home environment will be pursued. A demonstrator will be built to evaluate how best to interface the recorder to the three other main systems available in the home: the IBC terminal, the TV and HDTV displays and the home-computer. Access to this demonstrator will be given to other projects in RACE, following the co-operation established within Project Line 4 to consolidate related study areas.

Key Issues

Development of a recording channel with high bandwidth and high recording density, suitable for a wide variety of digital data storage applications. This implies the improvement of recording heads, the design of accurate mechanics suitable for narrow track widths and fast access, the study and realisation of improved error correction methods and a study of the means of making MPEG bit streams suitable for recording.

Expected Impact

To a large extent, IBC depends on the successful commercial operation of services such as TV and HDTV. Requirements incumbent on the network may be eased through the use of storage devices suitable for high bandwidth services that do not necessarily require real-time transmission. A magnetic tape storage device such as the one proposed in the DART project aims to meet this need. Such storage devices may also be used on consumer premises, to facilitate the 'time-shifting' of material downloaded from the network.


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Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

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Participants (2)