Electrical and electronic devices, equipments and systems must be able to function satisfactorily in their electromagnetic (EM) environment, without introducing intolerable EM disturbances to anything else in that environment. Therefore, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) should be an integral part of the production, design and development programme thus avoiding the need for expensive, less effective retrospective action. Compliance with the European EMC Directive (which will become mandatory on January 1996) requires that Industry has access to sophisticated EMC CAD tools of wide scope to predict the performance of particular systems. In addition, there are some aspects of EMC that need particular attention as they are not at presently understood to an adequate extent. These include, among other things, the testing of large systems, immunity resting and EMC in mixed systems (e.g. old/new thechnologies).
Regarding Step's 2 implementation, the proposed EMC Network aims at the following that are of mportance to Industry, Community Policy and European Standards:
- Indentification of potential emission problems early in the design cycle that can save money and speed time to market.
- Development of an accurate procedure, which would allow the level of interference to be predicted for a selected system, thus ensuring high performance of the system.
- Identification of reproducible tests for verification of EMC characteristics for specific industrial products that can avoid confusion and delays in properly qualifying such products, especially for compliance to standards. - Development of an accurate procedure for evaluating the effects of stressful electromagnetic environment on complex systems that would increase their reliability and survivability.
In addittion, the proposed EMC network is to facilitate EMC technology and information transfer and training between members of the network and between the network and industry.
Regarding the Step 1 exploratory work, selection of partners will be done on the basis of known expertise and geographical coverage in the community. A questionnaire will be designed by the partners of this Step 1 proposal to form the basis of the responses from each individual potential partner. Additional input will e offered by the present partners through their extensive contacts with industry and involvement in international Committees such as COST 243 (Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electrical and Electronic Apparatus and Systems).
Meetings will be sought with potential partners and companies so that various responses can be classified and evaluated to form a view of the desirability, direction and method of operation of the Network. At east one meeting will be held between potential partners (academic and industrial) perhaps under the umbrella of a COST 243 meeting or an EMC conference, so that a final view of Step 2 proposal may ve Formulated. Step 1 will be completed within six months from the date of its approval.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
EAT - Exploratory awards (thematic networks)Coordinator
26500 Patras