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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Universities, technology transfer and spin-off activities: academic entrepreneurship on the periphery of Europe


The objectives are to examine the growth and development of academic entrepreneurship within universities in the European Community (where academic entrepreneurship includes contract research, technical consultancy, patenting and licensing activities, as well as the creation of spin-off firms, by university staff).

In particular, it will examine academic entrepreneurship in the context of regions at different stages of development, which will allow an examination to be made of the role of universities within different types of region, and a comparison with similar regions elsewhere. Three different 'types' of regions will be studied:

1. University in a rural region
2. University in traditional industrial region
3. University in 'growth' or economically prosperous region.

The study will try to provide answers to the following research questions:

- What is the role of academic entrepreneurship in the economic development of different types of regions in the EC ?
- What are the general policies for developing academic entrepreneurship in the peripheral regions of Europe ? Do these vary by region ?
- What are the process by which university-industry relationships are formed ? Do these vary by type of region, university and university-industry relationships ?
- Does the university environment and overall strategy of the university affect the development of academic entrepreneurship and university-industry relationships ?

Six workshops (Month 3,5; 7; 11,5; 15; 18,5; 22,5) and a final conference (Month 23,5) will be held to present cross country comparison reports and the final report.

The results are expected to lead to specific policy initiatives at regional, national and European level, aiming to improve the technology transfer from universities to small technology-based firms.

Call for proposal

Data not available


University of Glamorgan
EU contribution
No data
Llantwit Road
CF37 1DL Pontypridd
United Kingdom

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (6)