Governmental policies and programmes for strengthening the relationship between higher education institutions and the economy
The central research question is:
What are the main factors that have determined the success or failure of recent governmental attempts at the national or supranational level to strengthen the relationship between the higher education institutions and the economy, nationally as well as internationally?
The project is aimed at examining at the institutional level the effects of governmental attempts on the relationship between higher education institutions and the economy in eight countries. The theoretical framework to guide the national studies, the institutional case studies and the comparative analysis is based on theories and approaches derived from the neo-institutional, the resource dependence and the innovation literature, as well as the literature on governmental steering models and policy implementation. For examining comparatively the basic conceptualisations included in the framework three analytical categories are distinguished: the intensity of the market orientation of higher education institutions, the relevance of the society orientation of higher education curricula, and the level of the international orientation of the higher education institutions. The basic assumption is that governmental policies and programmes for strengthening the relationship between higher education and economy, in order to be successful should have an effect on higher education institutions in such a way that the market orientation of higher education will increase, the society orientation of curricula will grow, or the international orientation of universities and colleges will be enlarged. In other words, success and failure of governmental policies and programmes at the national and supranational (=European) level is dependent on the conversion of these policies and programmes by the institutions for higher education.
Consequently, the conversion processes within the institutions for higher education will be examined in detail in all the eight country reports.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator