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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Capacity for change and adaptation of schools in the case of effect iveschool improvement


The objectives are specified in terms of an alternation of empirical and theoretical projects, two of which are short term projects and the third a long term intervention project:
1. clarify the factors that impede and that foster effective school improvement (ESI) in primary and secondary schools;
2. integrate those factors in a comprehensive theoretical framework that provides a theoretical explanation of the factors that impede or foster ESI;
3. develop an ESI-intervention programme that stimulates ESI on a broad scale and in circumstances of various EU-member states, making use of the theoretical framework:
4. monitor the implementation of the ESI-intervention programme and evaluate its impact quasi experimentally in EU-member states;
5. provide schools in EU-member states with examples of good practice of ESI.
The first project - to be conducted from 1996 to 1998 - concerns the inventory and the evaluation of the impact of ESI-programmes in the EU-member states, ESI being identified as spearpoint for developing scientific and practical knowledge beyond the present state-of-the-art in educational innovation and educational effectiveness. The objectives of this project are to identify good practices of ESI (5) and to clarify factors that impede and that foster ESI (1).
As second project - also to be conducted from 1996 to 1998 - a theoretical analysis of ESI is proposed that combines the improvement and the effectiveness paradigms as well as relevant other theories. The objectives of the theoretical analysis are to clarify the factors that determine resistance to change and that impede ESI and to clarify the means to improve the schools' capacity for change and factors that foster ESI (1). The analysis aims also at the integration of relevant theories and paradigms into a comprehensive theoretical framework of ESI (2). The theories and paradigms concerned are the school effectiveness and the school improvement paradigms, curriculum theory, theory of organizations, behavioral theories, public choice theory and paradigms of organizational learning and human resource management.
The proposed long term project -to be conducted from 1998 to (at least) 2001- is a quasi-experimental evaluation of an intervention programme that is designed to stimulate effective school improvement and the concomitant adaptability of schools. The objectives of the long term project are the development (3) and the testing (4) in different national contexts in the EU of a programme of interventions in schools that goes beyond the present state-of-the-art in educational innovation and educational effectiveness. The intervention project aims also at the identification of good practices of ESI in EU-member states (5). The intervention programme will be developped simultaneously with the preparation of the final reports of the two short term projects and will apply their results (1998). The quasi-experimental monitoring and evaluation of the intervention programme will also be designed in 1998, in order to be able to conduct this evaluation from 1999 onwards in EU-member states.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
EU contribution
No data
15,Westerhaven 15
9701 BG Groningen

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (9)