The project will analyse Fleet Management Systems in terms of market requirements (by region/sectors), will evaluate existing systems as well as socio-economic and private cost-benefits. On this basis the objectives and strategies for a feasible PAN-European FMS will be developed (top-down approach). Within the general system structure the operational goals and strategies at the different levels of management information, decision and control of the whole logistic processes are defined in detail. These levels are:
- Transport-Logistic Management
- Freight Management
- Fleet Management
- Vehicle Management
The potential of new information and communication technologies to establish integrated pan-European freight and fleet management systems have been investigated.
Studies have included:
analysis of market requirements of freight and fleet management systems based on extensive field research;
analysis and evaluation of existing freight and fleet management systems;
specification of functional requirements with respect to different market segments and applications;
development of system design for pan-European fleet management systems (FMS), including functional specification of an open system architecture for computer integrated transport, recommendations for implementation, strategies and activities required at different public and private levels;
feasibility study of pan-European FMS based onimplementation scenarios and cost benefit analyses;
development and test of pilot demonstrator for an integrated freight and fleet management;
specification of full pan-European demonstration project following an open system architecture for computer integrated transport;
proposals for appropriate international communication and message standards, especially for mobile data communication.
The existing and the new technical operational components and systems will be evaluated in order to find the optimal system design to cover the objectives. The system design includes functional specifications, recommendations for implementation, strategies and activities at the different public and private levels involved. A pilot demonstration will be carried out using already existing hardware components to show the main functions. Based on the outcome of these trials a Full Demonstrator Project for selected regions in Europe will be specified and appropriate international standards will be prepared.
Main Deliverables:
Fleet Management Requirement Specifications and Outlook for System Design, Implementation scenario and proposed Standards, Pilot-demo project and demonstration project specifications.
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
Data not availableCoordinator