CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2022-12-27

The barriers to CHP in Europe - A Study


To establish in detail, and quantify, the regulatory and institutional barriers to CHP in the EU.
Difficult to predict, but it is hoped that sufficient common trends and patterns will be detailed for specific recommendations to be brought forward.
Some work has been carried out to ensure that member states gain a clearer understanding of the administrative and institutional barriers to CHP (co-generation), but there is nevertheless a lack of a comprehensive review of barriers to CHP in all sectors (including
small scale CHP, industrial CHP and urban schemes with Community Heating CHP).

It is apparent that if the community is to take co-ordinated action to promote CHP throughout Europe, and if mechanisms to overcome barriers are to be identified, then further work is necessary which can, in turn, act as a basis for policy development at Community and national levels.

This proposal provide the necessary information. It comprises two fundamental parts:

* a review of the barriers to CHP,
* an impact analysis of changes in the legal framework.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data

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Total cost
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