CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The deliverable D6.5 will present the validation results of the silverstream vehicle in realistic scenarios with involving the end users perception.Relevant aspects described in the report are: -the improved accessibility and comfort , the design of the doors, - improved manoeuvrability and steering functions during parking, -HMI aspects,-the Intelligent Control System with on-air gesture recognition, -subjective perception of the advanced encryption technologies.
Analysis of different propulsion architectures and development of electric motorsThe report for D4.1 will consist of the analysis of the different drivetrain architectures with the focus on the pros and cons for the solutions with a gearless direct drive electric motor, motor with fixed mechanical gear (of different ratio) and other details such as available space for power electronics and brake for different architecture options. Different solutions will be compared in terms of price, weight and energy efficiency.
Body cluster: prototype for LEV"The design of the ""Body cluster"" will be finally released through the following steps: 1) schematic entry, 2)PCB layout, 3)production and assembly. Particular attention will be devoted the engineering aspects in order to provide an affordable cost solution."
Vehicle Management System: prototype for LEVThe design of the VMS will be accomplished, through a well assessed design flow, thus leading to the release of a fully functional prototypes. The system will be developed in a “absolutely flat” mechanical housing with the aim to simplify its installation while optimising the vehicle’s centre of gravity.
HESS performance test report and experimental demonstrationThis report will present the test concept of the HESS components designed T 3.1 and T3.2: with focus on the three test phases: -testing the battery with the BMS with battery analysers according standards (e.g., IEEE and US standards), -testing the supercapacitor, -testing the HESS, including the novel DC/DC converter and the power split controller.
The deliverable D7.1 will cover and report all activities concerning the setup of an internal project database as well as the web-based external project dissemination communication providing public areas to specific groups or general public. It will be continuously updated during project runtime.
The outputs finalizes all the WP from 1 to 5 the vehicle prototype assembling ready to start the test program. Is there the risk that not all the functions will be available caused by delays in sub-systems testing. In this case full vehicle testing will be started with reduced functionality and additional function added when available.
Riccardo Groppo, Reiner John
Published in:
2017, Page(s) 4
Riccardo Groppo
[1] Infineon Technologies AG -, [2] Infineon Technologies
Austria AG - , [3] FHG ENAS - , [4] University of Surrey - ,
[5] University of Surrey - , [6] JAC Italy - p.perelli@jacitaly.
com , [7] M.T.M. Srl-, [8] ELAPHE -,
Published in:
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2016 - Part of the series Lecture Notes in Mobility (Presented at the AMAA 2016 conference, Brussels), Issue Part IV, 2nd September 2016, 2016
Springer International Publishing
Reiner John, Elvir Kahrimanovic, Alexander Otto, Davide Tavernini, Mauricio Camocardi, Paolo Perelli, Davide Dalmasso, Stefe Blaz, Diana Trojaniello, Elettra Oleari, Alberto Sanna, Riccardo Groppo, Claudio Romano
Published in:
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2016. Lecture Notes in Mobility., 2016, Page(s) 201-215, ISBN 978-3-319-44765-0
Springer International Publishing
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