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openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


openEO full API implementation, first version

Implementation of first version of an openEO core interface

First versions of back-end drivers

First versions of all back-end drivers are connected to actual version of Core API

Mobile application

Development of a mobile application

Final back-end drivers

Final version of all back-end drivers and their connection to the Core API

Final use case process chains

Upgrade of the use case chains, until they serve the purposes of the pilot users

First versions of three front-end drivers

First versions of the Python, R, and JavaScript front-end drivers are connected to the actual version of the Core API.

Three front-end drivers

Final version of Python, R, and JavaScript front-end drivers and their connection to the Core API

openEO final API implementation

Implementation of final version of an openEO core interface

First iteration of use case chains

Implementation of first process chains for each of the project’s use cases

openEO core API prototype including Proof of Concept

Implementation, testing, deployment and documentation of a first prototype of the openEO core interface

Proof of Concept (Python)

Implementation of a first basic version of the Python Client APIs to connect with the Core API of the openEO interface (WP 3)

Two early prototype back-ends (file-based, SciDB)

Based on Deliverable D4 the development of the various back office drivers will take place in a first iteration step in close coordination with WPs 3 and 5.

openEO architecture specification, final version

Final architecture document about specifications for openEO architecture, following an established template (e.g. arc42).

Hackathon report

Report about the outcomes of the Hackathon

openEO data set and process descriptions

Definition of standards for describing data sets and computational processes

Report on Use case back-end cross tests

Report on users’ ability of interchangeability between the back office providers by using openEO

Status report on GEE and DIAS back-end drivers

Report on the actual state of DIAS, its inclusion in openEO, as well as the actual compatibility of Google Earth Engine with the openEO API

Report assessing back-end driver variability

Analysis of metadata standards and interfaces of the back offices, which are involved by this project, their similarities and differences

Overview document about back offices metadata standards and interfaces

Investigation on the metadata standards and interfaces of the back offices, which are involved by this project

Report on Software validation and review

Report on the processes stability during the requests from the different front offices for the selected back offices

Use case testing and user workshop

Report on the user communities experience with the openEO’s user friendliness, stability and flexibility, retrieved by the pilot users and on a virtual user workshop, and on the resulting steering strategy fort he time after the project’s funding.

Preliminary User Requirements report (incl. Use Case Workshop report 1)

A report of the Strategic & Use Workshop (Month 6) and about preliminary identified user requirements

First overview of needed processes from use cases

First overview of needed processes for implementing pilot use cases

openEO architecture specification, first version

Preliminary architecture document about specifications for openEO architecture, following an established template (e.g. arc42).

Published GitHub account incl. openEO

Officially announced openEO API at project's end

Operative online dissemination portals (website, social media, GitHub)

A Project website will show the actual state of openEO and important progress. Via a maintained forum on social media platforms, we will be able to encourage potential future users of openEO to be involved in decision-making processes.


openEO D20: First versions of three front-end drivers

Author(s): Dries, Jeroen; Mohr, Matthias; Lahn, Florian; Schramm, Matthias; Milenković, Milutin; Lippens, Stefaan
Published in: Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3733301

openEO D17: openEO full API implementation, first version

Author(s): Mohr, Matthias; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3733193

openEO D24: First iteration of use case chains

Author(s): Gößwein, Bernhard; Navacchi, Claudio; Zellner, Peter; Milenković, Milutin; Mîrt, Mihai-Andrei; Masiliūnas, Dainius; Verbesselt, Jan; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3733363

openEO D18: First versions of back-end drivers

Author(s): Foresta, Luca; Mohr, Matthias; Jacob, Alexander; Žiga Černigoj; Kempeneers, Pieter; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3733222

openEO D14: Report assessing back-end driver variability

Author(s): Briese, Christian; Neteler, Markus; Dries, Jeroen; Kadunc, Miha; Jacob, Alexander; Pebesma, Edzer; Wagner, Wolfgang; Busch, Gunnar; Mistelbauer, Thomas; Foresta, Luca; Mohr, Matthias; Schramm, Matthias; Lahn, Florian; Ng, Tim
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542830

openEO D13: openEO architecture specification, first version

Author(s): Miksa, Tomasz; Wagner, Wolfgang; Gößwein, Bernhard; Pebesma, Edzer; Mohr, Matthias; Dries, Jeroen; Schramm, Matthias; Briese, Christian
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542829

openEO D04: core API prototype including Proof of Concept

Author(s): Pebesma, Edzer; Mohr, Matthias; Dries, Jeroen; Schramm, Matthias; Wagner, Wolfgang; Verbesselt, Jan; Briese, Christian
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2540674

openEO D10: Hackathon report

Author(s): Busch, Gunnar; Dries, Jeroen; Briese, Christian; Wagner, Wolfgang; Verbesselt, Jan; Pebesma, Edzer; Mistelbauer, Thomas; Foresta, Luca; Mohr, Matthias; Voumard, Yann; Schramm, Matthias; Ng, Tim
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542824

openEO D07: Proof of Concept (Python)

Author(s): Dries, Jeroen; Gößwein, Bernhard; Wagner, Wolfgang; Schramm, Matthias; Pebesma, Edzer; Masiliunas, Dainius; Verbesselt, Jan
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542792

openEO D03: Operative online dissemination portals

Author(s): Pebesma, Edzer; Schramm, Matthias; von Beringe, Alexandra; Wagner, Wolfgang
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2540663

openEO D08: Preliminary User Requirements report

Author(s): Carter, Sarah; Verbesselt, Jan; Dostalova, Alena; Wagner, Wolfgang; Schramm, Matthias; Mohr, Matthias
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542805

openEO D06: Two early prototype back-ends

Author(s): Busch, Gunnar; Briese, Christian; Jacob, Alexander; Kadunc, Miha; Dries, Jeroen; Neteler, Markus; Wagner, Wolfgang; Mohr, Matthias; Lahn, Florian; Pebesma, Edzer; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2540697

openEO D09: First overview of needed processes from use cases

Author(s): Schramm, Matthias; Wagner, Wolfgang; Jacob, Alexander; Dries, Jeroen; Dostalova, Alena; Carter, Sarah; Verbesselt, Jan; Neteler, Markus
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2542822

openEO D05: Overview document about back offices metadata standards and interfaces

Author(s): Pebesma, Edzer; Jacob, Alexander; Dries, Jeroen; Briese, Christian; Wagner, Wolfgang; Neteler, Markus; Kadunc, Miha; Mohr, Matthias; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2540684

openEO D15: openEO Dataset and Process Description

Author(s): Mohr, Matthias; Navacchi, Claudio; Milenković, Milutin; Foresta, Luca; Schramm, Matthias
Published in: Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3732907

OpenEO - a Common, Open Source Interface Between Earth Observation Data Infrastructures and Front-End Applications

Author(s): Pebesma, Edzer; Wagner, Wolfgang; Schramm, Matthias; Von Beringe, Alexandra; Paulik, Christoph; Neteler, Markus; Reiche, Johannes; Verbesselt, Jan; Dries, Jeroen; Goor, Erwin; Mistelbauer, Thomas; Briese, Christian; Notarnicola, Claudia; Monsorno, Roberto; Marin, Carlo; Jacob, Alexander; Kempeneers, Pieter; Soille, Pierre
Published in: 2017
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1065474

openEO – A Standardised Connection to and between Earth Observation Service Providers

Author(s): Schramm, Matthias; Pebesma, Edzer; Wagner, Wolfgang; Verbesselt, Jan; Dries, Jeroen; Briese, Christian; Jacob, Alexander; Mohr, Matthias; Neteler, Markus; Mistelbauer, Thomas; Miksa, Tomasz; Gebbert, Sören; Gößwein, Bernhard; Kadunc, Miha; Kempeneers, Pieter; Gorelick, Noel
Published in: P. Soille, S. Loekken, and S. Albani (Eds.): Proc. of the 2019 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS'2019), 2019, Page(s) 229-232, ISBN 978-92-76-00034-1
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union
DOI: 10.2760/848593

The openEO API–Harmonising the Use of Earth Observation Cloud Services Using Virtual Data Cube Functionalities

Author(s): Matthias Schramm, Edzer Pebesma, Milutin Milenković, Luca Foresta, Jeroen Dries, Alexander Jacob, Wolfgang Wagner, Matthias Mohr, Markus Neteler, Miha Kadunc, Tomasz Miksa, Pieter Kempeneers, Jan Verbesselt, Bernhard Gößwein, Claudio Navacchi, Stefaan Lippens, Johannes Reiche
Published in: Remote Sensing, Issue 13/6, 2021, Page(s) 1125, ISSN 2072-4292
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs13061125

Characterizing Tropical Forest Cover Loss Using Dense Sentinel-1 Data and Active Fire Alerts

Author(s): Johannes Reiche, Rob Verhoeven, Jan Verbesselt, Eliakim Hamunyela, Niels Wielaard, Martin Herold
Published in: Remote Sensing, Issue 10/5, 2018, Page(s) 777, ISSN 2072-4292
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs10050777

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