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CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Action Plan to close skill gaps and enhance existing education and training programmes

The introduction of new topics into existing training programmes and the transfer of knowledge and best practices will be propelled by the development of an Action Plan to close skill gaps and enhance existing education and training programmes This Action Plan will consider a 1 to 5 years time period, and will outline specific actions required to promote the transfer of knowledge and best practices among training centres, and between research, industry and training organisations, and the incorporation of new knowledge into training programmes.

Communication Plan

The Communication Plan will carefully identify prospective target audiences (e.g. postgraduate students, young professionals, teachers and educators, training centres, research centres and universities, industry representatives, professional organisations, policy makers, science communicators, interested NGOs), and will develop appropriate tailored messages to facilitate identification with INTERMIN objectives and expected results

Interim Management Report 2

It will focus on a description of the progress and an overview of the financial situation. Any delays or deviations to the plan are included and explained, as well as any comparison between actual compared to expected results.

International qualification framework for the raw materials sector

This deliverable will set up a qualification framework at international level for the raw materials sector by the combination of the two European Qualifications Frameworks and thus facilitate the international recognition of the training programmes.

Integrated competency model for employment across the raw materials sector

This deliverable includes a Competency Model and corresponding recommendations for the development of future training agendas and curricula on raw materials in Europe and world-wide.

Cooperation agreements

This deliverable will address the set up of a cooperation agreement among training stakeholders to expand and consolidate a long lasting network of training centres and to facilitate the international mobility of professionals and trainees. This will be for the benefit of the project partners as well as for other future users.

Project Management Plan

This plan will cover project consortium management (preparation of the consortium agreement, internal communication and decision structures, oversight and quality control of WP implementation, anticipating risks and resolving conflicts) and representation of the project towards external stakeholders (including the establishment of efficient communication and reporting structures, project documentation and timely submission of deliverables).

Joint training programmes for the raw materials sector

The definition of reference points and best training practices combined with the transfer of knowledge will facilitate the mutual recognition of training programmes, assisting the development of interchangeable training modules. This will lay down the foundations to the creation of international joint training programmes for the raw materials sector with three important consequences: 1) the expansion of the variety of education and career paths on geosciences; 2) the democratisation of the acquisition and spread of advanced knowledge amongst geoscientists; and 3) the augment of the mobility and interconnection of raw materials’ professionals.

Best practice guidelines for training in the raw materials sector

This deliverable will provide best practice guidelines for the raw materials related training programmes which will enhance the mobility of professionals and trainees at international level.

Final Project Report

summary of the results of the project and achievements against planned

Skills catalogue for the raw materials sector

This deliverable will report on the skills identified as the key skills for raw materials education. This includes the definition of a coherent system of skills (and the corresponding boundary) used by the raw materials sector (going far beyond the geoscience professions recognised by the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations - ESCO). The data will be available as a report and will subsequently be used throughout the project as a key for further interpretation and definitions.

Database process manual

A manual will be designed describing how to use the database described in D1.3. This will be for the benefit of the project partners as well as for the public who are interested in available trainings and educational activities.

Roadmap on skills provisioning for the raw materials sector

The roadmap will be divided as immediate, medium, long-term corresponding to the three timeframes investigated: immediate, medium and long term

Interim Management Report 1

The first progress report present the preliminary findings during the first 15 months of research. The interim report will let a project’s stakeholders know how an intervention is going.

Report on tailored metrics and reference points for quality assurance and international recognition of training on raw materials related topics

This deliverable will provide tailored metrics and reference points for raw materials related training programmes. Based on that, the training programmes can be recognised at international level and quality assurance can be provided.

Report on skills gaps

At the end of WP2-tasks 1 to 3 the report will help to understand what is missing from present day education and how it should be tailored to meet industry needs according to different timeframes. Immediate needs are expected to fit within the present day trend in the sector

Global repository of training programs and networks on raw materials in the EU and advanced mining countries

A database, including a web-interface, will be available showing all raw materials training activities identified throughout WP1. The interface will be designed like a wiki, interlinked with geographic information of the available training programmes, their strengths, weaknesses, protagonists, languages, content in relation to other courses (e.g. what is the overlap), number of participants, target audience (students, post- graduates, others), duration & workload, skills developed, and nature of classes (practical vs. theoretical). The database will have open access, and will receive contributions from those willing to provide content and updates.

Hub and spoke website

The ‘hub and spoke’ website will ombine all possible platforms for general communication: 1) the website itself 2) links with social media (i.e. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Slideshare) 3) news and media providers 4) information concerning training centres and interested organisations (professional bodies, industry associations

Collection of communication materials

This collection will be adapted to the communication objectives on each stage, having links with INTERMIN progress, and they will be used accordingly with the guiding principles of the Communication Plan. All media supports will share a common visual identity (defined in an image and style book)

Online Educational platform for the Network

Deliverable 4.3 is the Online Educational Platform build within the INTERMIN project. The platform contains the database of raw material training initiatives mapped in WP1 with all relevant information, graphic interfaces and appropriate semantics such as INSPIRE data specifications. Furthermore, the platform provides access to all deliverables of the INTERMIN project. It also contains an external Geosciences University Program Portal developed and provided to the INTERMIN project and maintained afterwards by the EFG, which contains standardized in-depth information about curricula of geoscientific BSc and MSc programs relevant for the primary and secondary raw materials sector.

Procedures on Ethics Requirement and Data Management plan

This deliverable adresses the procedures for gender issues and ethics The DMP will outline how data are to be handled. In order to meet EU requirements The proposed deliverable will address the following: - Details on the procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants. - Detailed information will be provided on the informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans. - In case of data not publicly available, relevant authorisations will be provided, in particular, with regards to the US Government restricted data on college graduates. - Detailed information on the informed consent procedures that will be implemented in regard to the collection, storage and protection of personal data. - Detailed information must be provided on the procedures that will be implemented for data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction and confirmation that they comply with national and EU legislation. - Detailed information must be provided on the procedures that will be implemented for data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction and confirmation that they comply with national and EU legislation.


INTERMIN (International Network of Raw Materials Training Centres)

Author(s): Antonio Alonso Jiménez, Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros, Francisco Elorza Tenreirou, Vitor Correia
Published in: European Geologist The journal of the European Federation of Geologists, Issue 50, 2020, Page(s) 78-83, ISSN 1028-267X
Publisher: The European Federation of Geologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4311728

A comprehensive skills catalogue for the raw materials sector and the structure of raw materials education worldwide

Author(s): Philipp Hartlieb, Luis Jorda Bordehore, Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros, Vitor Correia, Jelena Vidovic
Published in: Mining Technology, Issue 129/2, 2020, Page(s) 82-94, ISSN 2572-6668
Publisher: Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
DOI: 10.1080/25726668.2020.1770406

INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK FOR THE RAW MATERIALS SECTOR International qualification framework for the raw materials sector Project coordination

Author(s): Vitor Correia, Alberto Sanchez, Isabel Fernandez, Luis Jorda, Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros, Antonio Alonso Jiménez
Published in: 2020
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.25406.51526

"Supplementary Material to ""Towards a common understanding of raw materials education worldwide – An international Qualification Framework for Raw Materials"""

Author(s): Correia, Vitor; Hartlieb, Philipp; Reguiero y Gonzalez-Barros, Manuel; Alonso, Antonio
Published in:, 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4736908


Author(s): Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros, Luis Jorda, Phillip Hartlieb, Robert Wenighofer, Robin Evans, F.J. Elorza, Laurence Lamn, Christopher Kean, Giuseppe di Caupa, Denise Gorfinkiel, Ulrich Kral, Slavko Solar, Marco Konrat, Isabel Fernandez, Dhiti Tulyatid, Adichat Surinkum, Paula Adamez, Antonio Alonso Jimenez
Published in: 2018
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.14239.18080

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