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Enable Ancillary Services bY Renewable Energy Sources


D8.4 Second Version of Risk Analysis

This is updated version of D8.2

D2.3 1st Report on the new developed dynamic functionalities of the DRES/BESS

Initial work done for T2.3.

D4.1 Report on Initial ICT Architecture

Report on the work done in T4.1 providing a list of functional and non-functional requirements and a small set of well-defined use-cases regarding the ICT infrastructure of EASY-RES. Further, a high-level substrate architecture will be specified exploring virtualization as basic paradigm and clearly identifying interfaces, storage and processing locations alongside the ICAs and µGs, and providing an analysis and assessment of available communication channels and infrastructures.

D5.7 Suggestions for Modification in the AS Market Regulatory Framework

Report on the final aim of T51 ie propose changes in the AS Market Framework after having established the AS Business models

D7.8 Report on the 2nd period of dissemination

Description of the dissemination and communication activities performed during the second period of the project. Report on the 2nd period running WP7.

D4.3 Specification of SDGACO scheme, including security and privacy

Report on the specification work done in T4.4. This includes the distributed Software-Defined Grid Accounting, Control and Optimization (SDGACO) scheme running across µGs and ICAs, and the architecture of the TSO cloud data center. In addition, D4.3 includes the security and privacy aspects and the specification of distributed algorithms for accounting offering aggregated AS of µGs and ICAs to the TSO. In conjunction with WP1 and WP3 D4.3 will develop the ICT infrastructure for the voltage regulation and protection coordination algorithms, and together with WP2 the ICT infrastructure for the optimization algorithms. It will also define the dashboard that can be accessed remotely to securely view grid status and associated data.

D4.4 Report and implementation of Energy Management System

Report on the work done in T43 specifically new charging strategies to optimally provide new AS demanded from BESS and a secure communication scheme inside the envisioned PKI This includes both data monitoring and remote re configuration as well as a publishsubscribe scheme to inform authorized stakeholders of BESS capabilitiesstatus

D1.8 Final report (after feedback form lab tests) presenting: Voltage regulation algorithms within the LV μG and MV ICA

actually update of D15 and D16The 1st part of this deliverable will contain the final version of the Voltage Regulation Algorithm in LV Gs finilizing the work done in T13 after the feedback from lab tests of T62 and the 2nd part will finilize the work done in T14 regarding the Voltage Regulation Algorithm in MV ICAs after feedbak from lab tests in T62 Additionally D18 will contain an update of the metrics reported in D11 after feedback from the lab tests

D5.1 Report Reviewing the Current Market Regulatory Framework

Report on the initial work done in T5.1, i.e. review the current market regulatory framework

D4.2 Specification of Security and Resilience Mechanisms

Report on the work done in T4.2, which will result in the specification of the information and data that has to be captured and exchanged between ICT and DRES/BESS. Further, the deliverable will develop the security and resilience mechanisms including a Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) cryptosystem for secure end-to-end data communication between μGs with ICAs and the TSO, secure intra- and inter-datacenter data access solutions, and specify data storage and management methods based on the Software Defined Data Centres (SDDCs) paradigm (including data recording mechanisms using in-network data processing). The deliverable will also define anomaly detection components and remediation techniques for the ICT infrastructure specifically considering ICA and TSO requirements.

D4.5 Report and implementation of accounting, voltage regulation and optimization algorithms

Report on the implementation work of T44 and the corresponding integration in T45 after feedback and interaction with WP1 WP2 and WP3 This includes the implementation and integration of hardwaresoftware codeveloped with WP1WP3 and the implementation of interfaces Further D45 will report on the integration support with the overall infrastructure This all will result in a working prototype system

D2.2 1st Report on the Electric and thermal dynamic modelling of DRES/BESS

Initial work done for T2.2.

D6.3 Report on the lab tests emulating the CIGRE benchmark distribution grids

It includes 2nd part of the work done in T62 It details the implementation and results of the destribution grid oriented lab tests carried out at USE

D8.11 Fifth Version of Risk Analysis

This is an updated version of D8.2

D6.5 Report on the evaluation of project KPIs

It includes the work done in T64

D2.1 Description of the metrics developed with respect to transient and dynamics response and report on the Review of the respective Current Grid Codes

Report on the work done in T2.1.

D7.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan

The dissemination Plan will be continuously updated throughout the Project lifetime with updates expected every six months. Work done in T7.1.

D1.5 1st Report on the Voltage Regulation Algorithm within the LV μG

Report on the initial work in T1.3. 1st Release of the reactive-power-based methodology for voltage regulation on LV μGs. Methodology validation through simulations. Relase of Software tool for estimating the maximum DRES penetration in LV feeders.

D7.6 Report on the 1st period of dissemination

Description of the dissemination and communication activities performed during the first period of the project. Report on the 1st period running WP7.

D3.1 Report on the work done in T3.1

review of current FRT requirements, development of generic FRT curve, parametric sizing of the required FSS and metrics for contribution to fault clearing

D3.7 Final report presenting the protection coordination in the LV μGs and ICAs

This an update and final version of D35 with the updated DRESBESS models after feedback from lab tests Additionally an upadate of the metrics developed in T31 after feedback from lab tests will be reported

D5.2 Report presenting the Portfolio of AS

Report on the work done in T5.2

D5.6 Report detailing the Business models for the involved stakeholders

Report on the work done in T55

D5.5 Final report on the cost-functions for the new AS

update of D53 after feedback from lab tests Any possible deviations will be identified for the improvement of costfunctions final work in T53

D8.12 Sixth Version of Risk Analysis

This is an updated version of D82

D3.4 Report on the base line scenario on protection coordination

Report on the work done in T3.4

D1.1 Description of the metrics developed for the Quasi-Steady-State Operation and report on the Review of the respective Current Grid Codes

Report on the work done in T1.1

D3.6 Final report presenting: the methodologies regarding the reaction of DRES and storage systems during faults and the methodology for detection of fault type and proximity

update of D32 and D33 after feedback from lab tests Any possible deviations of simulations from lab tests will be taken into account and the methodologies will be improved

D8.7 Third Version of Risk Analysis

This is updated version of D8.2

D3.2 1st Report on methodologies regarding the reaction of DRES and storage systems during faults

Report on the initial work done T3.2 validated with simulations.

D3.5 1st Report on the protection coordination in the LV μGs and ICAs

Report on the initial work done in T3.5 towards the aim of the task, i.e. the protection coordination in distribution grids.

D1.6 1st Report on the Voltage Regulation Algorithm within the MV ICA

Report on the initial work in T1.4. 1st Release of reactive-power based methodology for voltage regulation in MV grids. Methodology validation through simulations.

D5.4 Report on the Identification of Revenue Streams and Involved Stakeholders

Report on the work done in T54

D7.10 Final report on dissemination

As summary final report on the dissemination activities performed during the complete project Report on the 3rd period running WP7

D5.3 1st Report presenting the cost-functions for the new AS

Report on the initial work deriving the cost-functions in T5.3 with respect to validation with simulations.

D1.3 1st Report on the Reactive Power Control Algorithm for Converter-Interfaced DRES/BESS and Analytical Tool for Parametric BESS Sizing for low-frequency Power Smoothing

The 1st part of this deliverable refers to initial work done the 3rd aim of T1.2, i.e. the reactive power functionality of the DRES/BESS converters as SGs. The 2nd part corresponds to the initial work of the 1st aim of T1.5, i.e. to analyze data in order to define the term “low-frequency power smoothing” (as the 1st paragraph of T1.5 mentions).

D1.2 Report on the Definition of the Converter Reactive Power Capability

Parametric design of the Reactive Power Capability of Converter Interfaced DRES/BESS systems. This deliverable corresponds to the 1st of the 3 aims of T1.2.

D7.3 Project presentation and scientific articles

A standard project presentation will be developed and used by all the partners in their dissemination activities, in English and the other participant countries' languages. The presentation will be updated continuously while partners will localize the presentation for local and national dissemination activities. Furthermore, scientific articles in selected peer-reviewed publications will be published by partners, as further described in Section 2.2. Part of work done in T7.4.

D4.6 Report and implementation on data visualization (including user studies)

The deliverable reports on the visualization implementation in T45 will specify the user interfaces and the results of the user studies Further there will be a prototypical implementation resulting from the studies that is codeveloped with the potential users

D6.2 Report on the lab tests via RTDS

It includes 1st part of the work done in T62 It details the implementation and results of the RTDSbased labtests at TUDelft They are the converteroriented tests as described in T62

D6.4 Report on the validation of the DDGM model

It includes the work done in T63

D8.8 Fourth Version of Risk Analysis

This is updated version of D8.2

D8.2 First Version of Risk Analysis

Report on the possible risks during this project period and guidelines for resolution. It contains part of the work done in T8.2.

D8.15 Final version of Risk Analysis

Report on the final version of the Risk Analysis This is the final upadate of D82

D2.5 Final report on: the new electric and thermal dynamic modelling of DRES/BESS and dynamic functionalities (this report presents the updated models after the feedback from lab tests in T6.1-T6.2)

Final version of the work done in T22 and T23 after validating the models in lab

D3.3 1st Report on the methodology for detection of fault type and proximity

Report on the initial work done in T3.3 validated with simulations.

D6.6 Report with suggestions for modifications of grid-codes

It includes the work done in T65

D7.2 Project website

The website and portal will be ready at an early stage, but updated continuously. Main page will be developed in English and other participant countries' languages. Work done in T7.2.

D7.4 Project Leaflet

The brochure will contain: main objectives and the project, activity carried out during the project progress, results and contact details. English and participant countries' languages versions if required will be issued. Part of work done in T7.3.

D7.5 Press releases

Aimed to involve the press, a press note for the project as a whole will be prepared, and updated continuously. Each partner will generate, based upon the generic press note, localized press notes. A press note will be sent out every 6 months. Part of work done in T7.3.

D7.9 Specialised Workshops, Events and Conferences

Report on the Workshops Seminars events and conferences with relevant stakeholders the recommendations and groundwork done by the project Part of work done in T74

D1.4 1st Report and Analytical tool for the Evaluation of the Converter Operational Losses due to exchange of reactive power

This deliverable refers to the 2nd aim of T1.2, i.e. analytical tool for DRES/BESS converter losses and it will contain the initial work done for this purpose. It will be a software implementing the analytical tool together with the associated Report.

D2.4 1st release of Software and its documentation implementing the optimization algorithm for ICA

Report on the initial work done in T2.4 together with the software implementing the optimization algorithm.

D1.7 Final report (after feedback form lab tests) presenting: the Reactive Power Control Algorithm for Converter-Interfaced DRES/BESS, the Analytical Tool for Parametric BESS Sizing for low-frequency Power Smoothing and the analytical tool for the Evaluat

This deliverable is actually an update of D13 and D14 The 1st part of this deliverable will contain the final version of the analytical tool for BESS sizing according to lowfrequency powersmoothing that is ultimate aim of T15 The 2nd part will refer to the final version of the analytical tool for evaluation of DRESBESS converter losses that is the 2nd aim of T12 and finally the 3rd part will refer to the final reactive power control functionality of the 3rd aim of T12 It will contain the associated report

D2.7 Final release of Software implementing the optimization algorithm for ICA

This is the updated software version after the feedback from the updated DRESBESS models Final report and version of software implementing the work done in T24Additionally an update of the metrics developed in T21 after feedback from lab tests will be reported

D2.6 Software implementing the algorithms for derivation of DDGM

Report and software implementing the work done in T25

D6.1 Report detailing the implementation of converter prototypes

It includes the work done in T6.1. The converter prototypes will be built and a report describing their implementation will be included.


Evaluation of Decentralized Voltage Harmonic Mitigation through DRES converter active filtering capability

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Christos Tzouvaras; Manuel Barragán-Villarejo; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: The 9th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG Dublin Online 2021), 2021, ISBN 978-1-83953-504-8
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2021.1360

Ramp-Rate Limitation of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources via Supercapacitors as Preventive Action towards Frequency Disturbances

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Dimitrios Gkontoras; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2022 2nd International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED), 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-6107-8
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/synergymed55767.2022.9941409


Author(s): K. Oureilidis; K.-N. Malamaki; S. Gkavanoudis; C. Demoulias
Published in: CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 2021, ISBN 978-1-83953-591-8
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2021.2006

Energy Management In Converter-Interfaced Renewable Energy Sources Through Ultracapacitors For Provision Of Ancillary Services

Author(s): Andrei Mihai Gross; Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki; Manuel Barragán-Villarejo; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Francisco Jesús Matas-Díaz; Spyros I. Gkavanoudis; Juan Manuel Mauricio; José María Maza-Ortega; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2021 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2021, ISBN 978-1-7281-7660-4
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sest50973.2021.9543130

Identifying Security Challenges in Renewable Energy Systems

Author(s): Jindal, Anish; Marnerides, Angelos K.; Scott, Andrew; Hutchison, David
Published in: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Issue 4, 2019, ISBN 9781450366717
Publisher: ACM e-energy '19

Short-term Energy Recovery Control for Virtual Inertia Provision by Renewable Energy Sources

Author(s): Juan Manuel Mauricio, Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki, José María Maza-Ortega, Georgios C. Kryonidis, Manuel Barragán- Villarejo, Spyros I. Gkavanoudis, Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2021 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2021
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/isie45552.2021.9576213


Author(s): Konstantinos Oureilidis; Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki; Spyros Gkavanoudis; Jose L. Martinez-Ramos; Charis Demoulias
Published in: The 9th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG Dublin Online 2021), 2021, ISBN 978-1-83953-504-8
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/icp.2021.1365

Improving Frequency Stability with Inertial and Primary Frequency Response via DFIG Wind Turbines equipped with Energy Storage System

Author(s): Christos Nikolakakos; Umer Mushtaq; Peter Palensky; Miloš Cvetković
Published in: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2020, ISBN 978-1-7281-7100-5
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/isgt-europe47291.2020.9248807

A conceptual framework for energy loss minimization in meshed MV networks

Author(s): Georgios C. Kryonidis, Charis S. Demoulias, Grigoris K. Papagiannis
Published in: 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2018, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-3669-5
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2018.8398853

Communication Standards for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources Integration in Future Electricity Distribution Networks

Author(s): Anish Jindal, Angelos K. Marnerides, Antonios Gouglidis, Andreas Mauthe, David Hutchison
Published in: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019, Page(s) 8390-8393, ISBN 978-1-4799-8131-1
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8682207

Harmonic and Imbalance Compensation in Grid-Forming VSC

Author(s): Manuel Barragan-Villarejo, Juan Manuel Mauricio, Juan Carlos Olives-Camps, Francisco Jesus Matas-Diaz, Francisco de Paula Garcia-Lopez, Jose Maria Maza-Ortega
Published in: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2020, Page(s) 757-762, ISBN 978-1-7281-5754-2
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icit45562.2020.9067175

Identifying Security Challenges in Renewable Energy Systems - A Wind Turbine Case Study

Author(s): Anish Jindal, Angelos K. Marnerides, Andrew Scott, David Hutchison
Published in: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 2019, Page(s) 370-372, ISBN 9781-450366717
Publisher: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3307772.3330154

Identifying infected energy systems in the wild

Author(s): Angelos K. Marnerides, Vasileios Giotsas, Troy Mursch
Published in: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 2019, Page(s) 263-267, ISBN 9781-450366717
Publisher: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3307772.3328305

Harmonic Mitigation in Low-Voltage Distribution Networks: Sensitivity Analysis

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2022
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sest53650.2022.9898457

Comparative Evaluation of Ramp-Rate Limitation Control Strategies Employing Supercapacitors

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2022
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/melecon53508.2022.9842921

DC-bus energy management of a converter-interfaced renewable energy source comprising an energy storage system

Author(s): Francisco Jesús Matas-Díaz; Umer Mushtaq; Andrei Mihai Gross; Alvaro Rodríguez del Nozal; Milos Cvetkovic; Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Georgios C. Kryonidis;Juan Manuel Mauricio; José María Maza-Ortega; Manuel Barragán- Villarejo
Published in: 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-3597-0
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powertech46648.2021.9494804

Ramp-Rate Control of DRES employing Supercapacitors in Distribution Systems

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Francisco Casado-Machado; Manuel Barragán-Villarejo; Andrei Mihai Gross; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Jose L. Martinez-Ramos; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: 2021 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2021, ISBN 978-1-7281-7660-4
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sest50973.2021.9543116

An Integrated Control System for Frequency and Voltage Support via Type-3 Wind Turbines equipped with Energy Storage System

Author(s): Christos Nikolakakos; Umer Mushtaq; Milos Cvetkovic
Published in: 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020, ISBN 978-1-7281-5508-1
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/pesgm41954.2020.9281816

Centralized Control of Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Renewable Energies

Author(s): Fco. Javier Zarco-Soto; Pedro J. Zarco-Periñán; Jose L. Martinez-Ramos
Published in: Energies, Vol 14, Iss 4283, p 4283 (2021), Issue 11, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14144283

Ancillary Services Offered by Distributed Renewable Energy Sources at the Distribution Grid Level: An Attempt at Proper Definition and Quantification

Author(s): Demoulias C.S, Malamaki K.-N, Gkavanoudis S, Mauricio, J.M. , Kryonidis G.C, Oureilidis K.O, Kontis E.O, Martinez Ramos J.L.
Published in: Applied Sciences, 2020, ISSN 2076-3417
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app10207106

Provision of Primary Frequency Response as Ancillary Service From Active Distribution Networks to the Transmission System

Author(s): Eleftherios O. Kontis; Álvaro Rodríguez del Nozal; Juan Manuel Mauricio; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Issue 3, 2021, ISSN 1949-3061
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/tsg.2021.3103060

Energy management in Converter-Interfaced Renewable Energy Sources through ultracapacitors for provision of ancillary services

Author(s): Andrei MihaiGross, Kyriaki-NefeliMalamaki, Manuel Barragán-Villarejo, Georgios C.Kryonidis, Francisco Jesús Matas-Díaz, Spyros I. Gkavanoudis, Juan Manuel Mauricio, José María Maza-Ortega, Charis S.Demoulias
Published in: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Issue 23524677, 2022, ISSN 2352-4677
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.segan.2022.100911

A Novel Formulation to Compute Sensitivities to Solve Congestions and Voltage Problems in Active Distribution Networks

Author(s): Fco. Javier Zarco-Soto; Jose L. Martinez-Ramos; Pedro J. Zarco-Perinan
Published in: IEEE Access, Issue 19, 2021, ISSN 2169-3536
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2021.3073082

A flexible ICT architecture to support ancillary services in future electricity distribution networks: an accounting use case for DSOs

Author(s): Anish Jindal; Jakob Kronawitter; Ramona Kühn; Martin Bor; Hermann de Meer; Antonios Gouglidis; David Hutchison; Angelos K. Marnerides; Andrew Scott; Andreas Mauthe
Published in: Energy Informatics, Vol 3, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2020), Issue 21, 2020, ISSN 2520-8942
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-020-00111-x

An ICT Architecture for Enabling Ancillary Services in Distributed Renewable Energy Sources Based on the SGAM Framework

Author(s): Armin Stocker; Ali Alshawish; Martin Bor; John Vidler; Antonios Gouglidis; Andrew Scott; Angelos Marnerides; Hermann De Meer; David Hutchison
Published in: Energy Informatics, Issue 3, 2022, ISSN 2520-8942
Publisher: Spinger
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-022-00189-5

Location and solar system parameter extraction from power measurement time series

Author(s): Danner P., de Meer H.
Published in: Energy Informatics, 2020, ISSN 2520-8942
Publisher: SpringerOpen
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-021-00176-2

A short communication to define the overcurrent protection system of the CIGRE European benchmark distribution networks for RES penetration studies

Author(s): Jose Maria Maza-Ortega; F. J. Zarco-Soto; Spyros I. Gkavanoudis; D. Tampakis; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: reponame:idUS: Depósito de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla, Issue 33, 2021, ISSN 1432-0487
Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1007/s00202-021-01386-3

Use of ultracapacitor for provision of inertial response in virtual synchronous generator: Design and experimental validation

Author(s): Georgios C. Kryonidis, Juan Manuel Mauricio, Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki, Manuel Barragán-Villarejo, Francisco de Paula García-López, Francisco Jesús Matas-Díaz, José María Maza-Ortega, Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: Electric Power Systems Research, Issue Volume 223, October 2023, 109607, 2023, ISSN 0378-7796
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109607

Provision of inertial response as ancillary service from active distribution networks to the transmission system

Author(s): Álvaro Rodríguez del Nozal; Eleftherios O. Kontis; Eleftherios O. Kontis; Juan Manuel Mauricio; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Issue 9, 2020, ISSN 1751-8695
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2020.0675

Ramp-Rate Limitation Control of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources via Supercapacitors

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki, Francisco Casado-Machado, Manuel Barragán-Villarejo, Andrei Mihai Gross, Georgios C. Kryonidis, Jose Luis Martinez-Ramos, Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Issue 00939994, 2022, ISSN 0093-9994
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tia.2022.3195975

A new voltage control scheme for active medium-voltage (MV) networks

Author(s): Georgios C. Kryonidis, Charis S. Demoulias, Grigoris K. Papagiannis
Published in: Electric Power Systems Research, Issue 169, 2019, Page(s) 53-64, ISSN 0378-7796
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2018.12.014

Estimation of additional PV Converter Losses operating under PF≠1 based on Manufacturer's Data at PF=1

Author(s): Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki, Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2019, Page(s) 1-1, ISSN 0885-8969
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tec.2019.2893065

A Two-Stage Solution to the Bi-Objective Optimal Voltage Regulation Problem

Author(s): Georgios C. Kryonidis, Charis S. Demoulias, Grigoris K. Papagiannis
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, Page(s) 1-1, ISSN 1949-3029
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2914063

Ancillary Services Market Design in Distribution Networks: Review and Identification of Barriers

Author(s): Konstantinos Oureilidis, Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki, Konstantinos Gallos, Achilleas Tsitsimelis, Christos Dikaiakos, Spyros Gkavanoudis, Milos Cvetkovic, Juan Manuel Mauricio, Jose Maria Maza Ortega, Jose Luis Martinez Ramos, George Papaioannou, Charis Demoulias
Published in: Energies, Issue 13/4, 2020, Page(s) 917, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13040917

Efficient, Secure, and Privacy-Preserving PMIPv6 Protocol for V2G Networks

Author(s): Mahmoud Hashem Eiza, Qi Shi, Angelos K. Marnerides, Thomas Owens, Qiang Ni
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Issue 68/1, 2019, Page(s) 19-33, ISSN 0018-9545
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tvt.2018.2880834

Surveillance and security: protecting electricity utilities and other critical infrastructures

Author(s): Antonios Gouglidis, Benjamin Green, David Hutchison, Ali Alshawish, Hermann de Meer
Published in: Energy Informatics, Issue 1/1, 2018, ISSN 2520-8942
Publisher: SpringerOpen
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-018-0019-1

Voltage Control of Four-Leg VSC for Power System Applications With Nonlinear and Unbalanced Loads

Author(s): Juan Carlos Olives-Camps, Juan Manuel Mauricio, Manuel Barragan-Villarejo, Francisco Jesus Matas-Diaz
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Issue 35/2, 2020, Page(s) 640-650, ISSN 0885-8969
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TEC.2019.2957185

Improving Small-Signal Stability of Power Systems with Significant Converter-Interfaced Generation

Author(s): Juan Manuel Mauricio, Andres E. Leon
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, Page(s) 1-1, ISSN 0885-8950
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.2968422

Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

Author(s): José M. Maza-Ortega, Juan M. Mauricio, Manuel Barragán-Villarejo, Charis Demoulias, Antonio Gómez-Expósito
Published in: Energies, Issue 12/19, 2019, Page(s) 3591, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12193591

Power system hardware in the loop (PSHIL): A holistic testing approach for smart grid technologies

Author(s): Manuel Barragán-Villarejo; Francisco de Paula García-López; Alejandro Marano-Marcolini; Jose Maria Maza-Ortega
Published in: Energies, Issue 1, 2020, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13153858

Stochastic unit commitment in microgrids: Influence of the load forecasting error and the availability of energy storage

Author(s): Lazaro Alvarado-Barrios; Álvaro Rodríguez del Nozal; Juan Boza Valerino; Ignacio García Vera; Jose L. Martinez-Ramos
Published in: Renewable Energy, Issue 26, 2020, ISSN 0960-1481
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.08.032

City-Friendly Smart Network Technologies and Infrastructures: The Spanish Experience

Author(s): Antonio Gomez-Exposito; Angel Arcos-Vargas; Jose Maria Maza-Ortega; Jose A. Rosendo-Macias; Gabriel Álvarez-Cordero; Susana Carillo-Aparicio; Juan Gonzalez-Lara; Daniel Morales-Wagner; Tomas Gonzalez-Garcia
Published in: reponame:idUS: Depósito de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla, Issue 34, 2018, ISSN 0018-9219
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2018.2793461

Reduced Reference Frame Transform: Deconstructing Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems

Author(s): Casado-Machado F. , Martinez-Ramos J. L., Barragán-Villarejo M., Maza-Ortega J.M. , Rosendo-Macías J. A.
Published in: IEEE Access, 2020, ISSN 2169-3536
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3012510

Protection philosophy in low short-circuit capacity distribution grids with high penetration of converter-interfaced distributed renewable energy sources

Author(s): Spyros I. Gkavanoudis; Dimitrios Tampakis; Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki; Georgios C. Kryonidis; Eleftherios O. Kontis; Konstantinos O. Oureilidis; Jose Maria Maza-Ortega; Charis S. Demoulias
Published in: IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Issue 7, 2020, ISSN 1751-8695
Publisher: IET
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2020.0714

Distributed Reactive Power Control Scheme for the Voltage Regulation of Unbalanced LV Grids

Author(s): Georgios C. Kryonidis , Kyriaki-Nefeli D. Malamaki, Spyros I. Gkavanoudis, Konstantinos O. Oureilidis , Eleftherios O. Kontis , Juan Manuel Mauricio , José María Maza-Ortega , Charis S. Demoulias
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/tste.2020.3042855

Distributed cooperation for voltage regulation in future distribution networks

Author(s): Aihui Fu; Miloš Cvetković; Peter Palensky
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Issue 19493053, 2022, ISSN 1949-3053
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tsg.2022.3191389

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