CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
BLM will articulate the Observatory -based on its current tool ‘portfolio-matching-tool’- and will define the Disruptors validation process -based on the requirements included in Section 4.3. The owners of the ‘enabling technologies’, validated by the project, will be included in the ‘Disruptors Catalogue’ [D1.3] and will be potential beneficiaries of the Vouchers.
Circularity MarketplaceFBC will proceed to implement a market-ready version of the Marketplace and organize a ‘Testing Pilot’ to guarantee the user-friendly approach of it. The gathered feedback will be included in the final version before going alive. FBC will be in charge for the technical update and maintenance of the ‘Circularity Marketplace’ [D1.2] along the project
Call Announcement, Guide for Applicants [GfA], Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] and Application Form
Circularity Solutions Report M26VK will prepare a report including a summary of the proposals at this stage, which will be published in the Website. [Outcomes: 12 Circular Solutions proposed, 12 Investment plans]
Circularity Program Templates M10Standardized set of procedures, ‘Circularity Program Procedures & Templates’ [D4.1] will be established, presenting all requirements and processes necessary for proper implementation of the Program. The document will include procedure for: (1) Identifying and addressing SMEs’ needs; (2) Identifying competences necessary for CE implementation; (3) Matching SMEs with proper Disruptors; (4) Identifying further financial sources to support the continuation of the CE development processes at companies.
Circularity Solutions Report M13VK will prepare a report including a summary of the proposals at this stage which will be published in the Website. [Outcomes: 12 Circular Solutions proposed, 12 Investment plans]
Open Call Package of Documents M6Creation of Open Call Package of Documents [D3.2]. FBA will prepare, in cooperation with all partners, the Call Announcement, Guide for Applicants [GfA], Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] and Application Form based on the requirements indicated in ‘Section 4.3’
Circular Design Toolkit for RegionsCompilation of the project’s CE methodologies, guidelines, instructions. Delivered M25, updated M36
Circularity Prototype-athon report M24At the end of 3 day Camp, the 12 SMEs showing a greater potential and commitment in regards to the implementation of the solution proposed, will be selected to join the Circularity Program. A ‘Circularity Prototype-athon report [D3.3]’, with the outcomes of the camps and feedback, will be produced.
List of Beneficiaries M24FBA will elaborate the ‘List of Beneficiaries ’ and the ‘Guide for Voucher Agreement set up’ where the procedure will be clearly stated. As result, FBA as project coordinator, will sign a ‘Voucher Agreement’ with each third party, on behalf of the consortium.
Impact ReportDocument presenting analysis of the impact, optimal results after each Open Call and at the end of the project.
Circularity Program Templates M23Standardized set of procedures, ‘Circularity Program Procedures & Templates’ [D4.1] will be established, presenting all requirements and processes necessary for proper implementation of the Program. The document will include procedure for: (1) Identifying and addressing SMEs’ needs; (2) Identifying competences necessary for CE implementation; (3) Matching SMEs with proper Disruptors; (4) Identifying further financial sources to support the continuation of the CE development processes at companies.
Open Call Package of Documents M18Creation of Open Call Package of Documents [D3.2]. FBA will prepare, in cooperation with all partners, the Call Announcement, Guide for Applicants [GfA], Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] and Application Form based on the requirements indicated in ‘Section 4.3’
Circularity Prototype-athon report M11At the end of 3-day Camp, the 12 SMEs showing a greater potential and commitment in regards to the implementation of the solution proposed, will be selected to join the Circularity Program. A ‘Circularity Prototype-athon report [D3.3]’, with the outcomes of the camps and feedback, will be produced.
Catalogue of Circularity Challenges M6Catalogue of Circularity Challenges, including Circularity Challenges Identification Methodology. Delivered M5, updated before each Call. Document identified at sectoral and cross-regional level, including the Methodology used for the identification and the Standardized Procedure to ensure the link between the Challenges and the Smart Specialization Strategies of the regions.
Catalogue of Circularity Challenges M18Catalogue of Circularity Challenges, including Circularity Challenges Identification Methodology. Delivered M5, updated before each Call. Document identified at sectoral and cross-regional level, including the Methodology used for the identification and the Standardized Procedure to ensure the link between the Challenges and the Smart Specialization Strategies of the regions.
DiR Job Description & Reference GuideBased on the expertise of these entities on Design Thinking methodologies, a ‘DiR Job Description & Reference Guide’ [D2.3] will be created to describe the type of services and procedures that DiRs will use when providing support to SMEs. It will include the lists of tasks, KPIs and general methodology applied. In this task, a special role will be assigned to MADE, which has wide experience in articulating multidisciplinary teams to support SMEs in improving their productivity process.
List of Beneficiaries M11FBA will elaborate the ‘List of Beneficiaries ’ and the ‘Guide for Voucher Agreement set up’ where the procedure will be clearly stated. As result, FBA as project coordinator, will sign a ‘Voucher Agreement’ with each third party, on behalf of the consortium.
Open Call Package of Documents M28Call Announcement, Guide for Applicants [GfA], Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] and Application Form
DiR Profile and validation procedurePartners involved will be responsible for creating standardized, unified procedures for DiRs’ validation to be later used in EU when replicating C-VoUCHER model. The procedure described will be based on practical works of C-Voucher and findings regarding the most crucial criteria (indispensable for selecting proper DiRs).
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