Detailed description on how the consortium partners plan to manage the data collected and generated within the project.
Update of the M4 action plan that will be continuously followed and monitored and adapted if necessary depending on the project evolution. Criteria of success will be based on the number of visit on the websites and social media as well as the number of direct contact of interest to the project partners for parralle business. The large audience and specialized press is targeted with a minimum of 10 publications. The performance analysis will be performed in order to measure the impact of the communication action through the website and social media as well as through the conferences and demonstrators.
Presentation of a kaleo exhibition in 1 EU cities where partners are locatedThe Kaleo exhibition 5 portraits or eventually a new one with the possibility to combine it with the itinerant demonstrator will be showcased in 1 city of a project partner The event of this exhibition that will last a month will be accompanied with dedicated events about the project technologies but also questioning the role of Art and its role linked to solar technology and society
Communication and Dissemination action plan set-up. Follow-up and performance analysis.The action plans will be continuously followed and monitored and adapted if necessary depending on the project evolution. The performance analysis will be performed in order to measure the impact of the communication action through the website and social media as well as through the conferences and demonstrators.
Communication and Dissemination action plan set-up. Follow-up and performance analysis (update 2)Update of the M18 action plan that will be continuously followed and monitored and adapted if necessary depending on the project evolution Criteria of success will be based on the number of visit on the websites and social media as well as the number of direct contact of interest to the project partners for parallel business The large audience and specialized press is targeted with a minimum of 15 publicationsThe performance analysis will be performed in order to measure the impact of the communication action through the website and social media as well as through the conferences and demonstrators
Presentation of a kaleo exhibition in 2 EU cities where partners are locatedThe Kaleo exhibition (5 portraits or eventually a new one, with the possibility to combine it with the itinerant demonstrator) will be showcased in 1 EU city of a project partner. The event of this exhibition that will last a month will be accompanied with dedicated events about the project technologies but also questioning the role of Art and its role linked to solar technology and society.
Presentation of a new and dedicated Compaz exhibtion demosntrating the advancement of the projectA new dedicated exhibition highlighting the development of the projects in terms of colored active elements will be create and showcase in 1 Eu city of a project partner
"The corporate idendity of the project will be defined with logo, website and templates. But more than that, an ""identity"" of the active elements will be proposed, in ordered to give all chance to the products that will be developped in Be-Smart to reach its market with a real marketing and communication strategy."
Andrew Fairbrother, Alessandro Virtuani, Christophe Ballif
Published in:
37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021
PVSEC proceeding
Andrew Fairbrother, Hugo Quest, Ebrar Özkalay, Philipp Wälchli, Gabi Friesen, Christophe Ballif, Alessandro Virtuani
Published in:
38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021
PVSEC proceeding
Assoa, Chavrier, Tsanakas, Thony, Mignonac, Blaise, Furtado, Rhône, Perret-Aebi
Published in:
38th EUPVSEC conference proceedings, 2021
PVSEC Proceeding
Andrew Fairbrother, Luca Gnocchi, Alessandro Virtuani, Christophe Ballif
Published in:
37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021
PVSEC Proceeding
Andrew Fairbrother, Luca Gnocchi, Baptiste Bergerot, Nicolas Rospars, Alessandro Virtuani, Christophe Ballif
Published in:
38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021
PVSEC Proceeding
Alessandro Virtuani, Andrew Fairbrother, Fabiana Lisco, Laure-Emmanuelle Perret Aebi,
Nicolas Wyrsch, and Christophe Ballif
Published in:
38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021
Andrew Fairbrother,Hugo Quest,Ebrar Özkalay,Philipp Wälchli,Gabi Friesen,Christophe Ballif,Alessandro Virtuani
Published in:
RRL Solar, 2021, ISSN 2367-198X
Riedel, B., Messaoudi, P., Assoa, Y.B., Thony, P., Hammoud, R., Perret-Aebi, L.-E., Tsanakas, J.A
Published in:
EPJ Photovoltaics, 2021, ISSN 2105-0716
EDP sciences
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