The selected graphic design studio will produce the graphic line: all the elements of the “web kits” (in Task 6.3) and “project kits” (e.g. bag with illustrative materials, usb-stick, agendas, t-shirt) will be in-line with the project graphic line and will be used during events (fairs, workshops) attended by DUNE and at the “PROTECT-day” workshop planned at the end of the project.
In close cooperation with the Advisory Board and the end-users that already expressed their interest in PROTECT, an agenda will be established at M6, specifying the end-user hosting the demonstration, logistic, schedule, place and nature of the demonstrations. This agenda will be constantly updated as a function of the progresses of WP3 in providing new system Layers to be tested. The agenda will also indicate the financial effort foreseen by the hosting Organisations, that will be reimbursed by the applicant (in kind contribution by third parties).
Final Project ReportFinal project report, summarising the achievements, the actions, the outcome of the demonstrations, the marketing progress, the alignment between planned and actual expenditures, the achieved engagement level with the practitioners, end-users and the enlargement of the potential marketing pool.
Guidelines for the requirements, constraints and system designProvide a preliminary architectural design of the market-ready system, to be fed into WP3 as key input for the development and in WP5 for the market trade-off analysis, so to devise the necessary trade-off between the CAPEX (increasing with the number of fulfilled requirements) and the increase of projected revenues.
Final report on PROTECT on-field operational effectivenessFinal report on the outcome of all the on-field demonstrations carried out in real (or realistically equivalent) operational environments. The report will describe the general condition of the demonstration (logistic, equipment, conditions), along with the scores of the performance metrics (defined in WP2) and the qualitative evaluation of the user's experience.
Requirements, constraints and system designOutput of WP2, summarising the outcome of the coordinated action among the Advisory Board and other end-users Organisations involved after the project start, preparing questionnaires, also engaging the end-users via the Serious Games paradigm and tools developed in WP6, so to have a comprehensive set of usability and suitability requirements and constraints, along with a preliminary architectural design to be fed into WP3 and WP5.
Communication planIt will indicate the preliminary communication strategy, channels to be employed, expected impact, schedule of the planned events involving PROTECT (e.g. fairs, workshops), targeted stakeholders and mockups of the Serious Games to be developed
Intermediate report on PROTECT on-field operational effectivenessReport on the outcome of the first batch of on-field demonstrations carried out in real (or realistically equivalent) operational environments. The report will describe the general condition of the demonstration (logistic, equipment, conditions), along with the scores of the performance metrics (defined in WP2) and the qualitative evaluation of the user's experience.
Valuation of the user experience and plans for the demonstrationsIntermediate output of WP4: it will report the User's experience and (also in connection with the Advisory Board) will provide a detailed plan for the intermediate and final on-field demonstrations carried out by the practitioners with the PROTECT systems under development in WP3.
Project HandbookDescribe the management procedures, define the Technical, Financial and Project management roles, along with assessment and communication guides.
Final report of the Communication activities"Summary and final document of WP6, where the Communication activities and relevant achievement are described: the PROTECT graphic line, the developed e-tools, the suite of Serious Games, participation to events and international fairs, set-up and outcome of the workshop ""PROTECT-Day""."
"This is the complement of the ORDP deliverable D4.5, making publicly available on public repository for free a significant selection of the raw data collected during the entire project lifespan. These raw data are a valuable asset in the ""indoor positioning and tracking"" community, as they are difficult to collect, especially under real operational conditions and can be used by both Academic and Industrial organisations to test, refine and improve their processing techniques."
Intermediate RAW experimental data"In the frame of the ORDP, we will make publicly available on public repository for free a significant selection of the raw data (raw output from Inertial units, magnetometers and altimeter) coming from the PROTECT system at its intermediate stage of scaling-up, and collected during the on-filed trials and demonstration activities. These raw data are a valuable asset in the ""indoor positioning and tracking"" community, as they are difficult to collect, especially under real operational conditions and can be used by both Academic and Industrial organisations to test, refine and improve their processing techniques. This deliverable will give open access to the first batch of raw data collected up to month 12 of the project."
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