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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-04-19

Elaboration of an action plan to promote the use of renewable energies for electricity supply, water supply and socio-economic development in the Southern Mediterranean countries


The objective of the proposal is to clearly identify the benefits that would be linked to a major development of renewable energies in the southern mediterranean countries and to propose actions to achieve such a goal; the study will evaluate the social, economic and environmental benefits and the constraints such as technological, financial and social. Special emphasis will be put on the interrelashionship between renewable energies and overall electricity supply, water supply and socio-economic development. For that purpose the partners will assess the RE ressources the technologies available, the economic and financial aspects and the benefits expected (economic, social and environmental);this approach will be based on existing studies and informations regarding energy and environment in the southern mediterranean countries.
Based on the result of the study, an Action Plan for the promotion of renewable energies will be elaborated; it will present the actions needed such as better assessment of the ressources, technology transfer, R&D programs, training, creation of new financing schemes, ... This Action Plan will serve as a guideline for the Commission, the Governments and the industrial sector, and would be presented at an International Conference to launch a regional initiative in this field. The partners of the proposal are organizations which have performed numerous studies on energy and environment in the mediterranean region and which have close contacts with electric utilities, research centers and agencies in charge of developing renewable energies in the countries concerned (from Morocco to Turkey).
The coordinator is the Observatoire Mediterraneen de l'Energie, an International Association of Electric and Gas Utilities of the mediterranean coutries which is performing studies on energy prospects; the other partners are ENEA, the Italian Agengy for Energy and the Environment, the Joint Research Center of the CEC at Ispra and CIEMAT the Spanish center for studies and research on renewable energies.


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Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Arche des Dolines - Rue de Soutrane 7 - Les Bouil

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Total cost
No data

Participants (2)