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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-27



To recover and utilize biogas from a municipal sanitary waste landfill. During the course of the project the system parameters will be defined according to the optimum operating conditions.
Biogas production has been higher than foreseen, attending 1500 m3/h, but is not commercially used. (CH4 content 55%).
The vertical extracting system nearly always shows a higher gas production.
Vertical and horizontal extracting systems do not influences each other, but the combination of both generates a higher production rate.
The landfill measures 80 000 m2 with a capacity of 1 million tons and it is proposed to install a horizontal gas extraction system to supplement the conventional, vertical one.
The project includes the following procedures:
- the construction of test lots;
- different experiments to increase biogas production
- comparison of different gas extraction systems
- moisture content increase
- temperature increase
- addition of rubble
- new technique for filling in the waste
- final evaluation
Anticipated biogas production was 1 200 m3/h.
The project includes the setting up of 5 new experimental lots of 1-2 ha each. All lots will be equipped with, first, a drainage system to collect the leachate, secondly of 3 horizontal layers of biogas extration pipes, laid 20 m apart and of a sprinkler system to sprinkle the leachate in order to modifly the humidity range of the landfill (from 20 % to 60 % by volume). One of the lots will be equipped also with vertical conventional biogas extraction pipes for comparison purpose. For one of the lots, a heating system to heat the leachate will be foreseen to study the influence of temperature on performance.
Other control parameters could be first partial crushing of the municipal solid waste to increase surface area and secondly the use of microbial carriers such as bentonite to increase microbial populations.
It is expected to increase the rate of methane production which could reach from 76 to 300 m3 per hour (as biogas). This would lead to a reduction of exploitation period for the landfill from 20-30 years to 10 years. The quality of the produced biogas will improve by raising its methane content from 30 to
70 %.
Measurements include qualitative and quantitative mass and flow balances to establish time variations and parameter influences.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

DEM - Demonstration contracts


Aportación de la UE
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51429 Bergisch-Gladbach

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Coste total
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