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Content archived on 2022-11-21

Reference values for lung function decline in working coalminers


a) The primary objective will be to estimate a set of standard or reference curves for lung function changes over five or ten-year periods, appropriate to male coal workers.

b) A major subsidiary objective will be to determine, as far as is possible from existing data, whether individuals identified as experiencing unusually severe decline in lung function over five-year periods continue subsequently to undergo unusually rapid deterioration of lung function.

The study will be based on all relevant existing data from the Pneumoconiosis Field Research (PFR), which included five-yearly medical surveys of working miners at selected collieries in England, Scotland and Wales between 1953 and 1978. Measurements of lung function from about 55,000 individual expirations are available for analysis.

Age, standing height (without shoes), and weight were recorded at the same surveys, and a questionnaire of respiratory symptoms and of smoking habit was administered by trained personnel. A chest radiograph was taken at each survey, and readings are available of category of simple pneumoconiosis, or progressive massive fibrosis.


The main analyses involve applying the most suitable statistical methods to existing PFR data in order to answer the questions of interest about lung function, and reporting the results. Throughout the analysis, particular attention will be given to whether standard or reference values appropriate to the dataset as a whole are applicable also to subgroups (defined, for example, by smoking habit, presence of respiratory symptoms, or attained category of simple pneumoconiosis). If necessary, new reference values for lung function change and level may be estimated separately for such subgroups.

Results will be reported in the first instance as equations giving expected losses (ml) over five-years periods relative to age, physique, and other factors. Such results could, and if this is considered desirable will, be re-expressed as Tables giving the "normal" range of decline, for various values of age, physique and other factors.


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Call for proposal

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Institute of Occupational Medicine
EU contribution
No data
8 Roxburgh Place
EH8 9SU Edinburgh
United Kingdom

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Total cost
No data