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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-27

Melt mixing underneath iceland, what are the primary mantle components?


The geological setting of Iceland has a unique tectonic configuration in the form of a ridqe-centredplume. This sub-aerial exposure of a ridge-plume system therefore provides an excellent opponunity to study the origin of material sampled by the Iceland plume, the possible interaction of the plume material with the MORb (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) reservoir and the interaction of melts en route to the surface. The aim of this project is to improve the understanding of plume-mantle dynamics, specifically for the Iceland Plume, by carrying out a melt-inclusion study on a suite of post-glacial Icelandic basalts that are representative of the whole compositional spectrum of Icelandic basalts. A large part of the selection of the samples on which this study will be based are also very well characterized in terms of major and trace element compositions and Os, Nd and Sr isotope compositions. By analyzing the composition of the melt inclusions in these Icelandic basalts, the composition of the primary mantle melts that have contributed to the formations of the magma can be determined. In addition pressure and temperature experiments will be carried out to determine the conditions at which the inclusions have been formed. Based on data that will be obtained, potential mantle reservoirs that have contributed to the formation of these mells, can be identified; This will lead to a significant improvement of our understanding of the Iceland Plume and plume mantle dynamics in general. Carrying out this specific project will increase my practical knowledge of different experimental and scientific techniques related to the study of melt inclusions, with which I currently have little or no experience, and increase my understanding of the analytical advances in this discipline within the field of Earth Sciences.In addition, my stay in France will give me the opportunity to experience intensive collaboration with the French Earth Science community. For the host, my extensive knowledge of the geological setting and suitable sample collection, which has been the subject of my PhD for the last four years, will be a significant contribution considering that the main focus of the institute is in the field of volcanology and magmatism.


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