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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-23

Palaeolithic and Palaeoenvironments from the Carpathians to the Don


This Network has as aim the establishment of a multidisciplinary database or the development of the Palaeolithic, the palaeoenvironment and the chronology during Upper and Middle Pleistocene from the Carpathian to the Don Basin, and from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

The main purpose of the project will consist in a multidisciplinary research on selected areas in order to establish new archaeological and stratigraphical reference sequences for the Palaeolithic of the western and meridional parts of the Great Russian Plain. The major tasks will be the co-ordination of complementary researches focused on various aspects of archaeological approaches (typology and technology of tool assemblages, lithic functional analysis and lithic raw material sources) and geological approaches (stratigraphy, chronology, palaeoenvironment and climatic evolution) from the different geographical areas selected from the Carpathians to Don river.

This project will consist in a multidisciplinary research on selected archaeological areas of the western and central Russian Plain in order to establish a data base of new archaeological references for the Palaeolithic. This programme will be realised in close co-operation by a set of teams from the Ukraine, France, Belgium, Romania, Russia and Moldavian Republic, having a long experience in various fields of archaeological and geological research. The major tasks of these teams will be to collect and link the results of complementary researches focused on various aspects of archaeological approaches.

The creation of a Network will further advance the aims of new research activities (new field research but also new laboratory studies about archaeological material cultures). A Network in such area where are located a large concentration of multilayered loessic Palaeolithic sites in various geographical and palaeoenvironmental contexts will only be profitable if the teams have a strong experience in their field research and in co-operation. All these teams have developed in the recent past, with success, co-operations programs in the Central en Eastern Europe (French archaeological mission in Transcarpathia, Ukraine 1994-96); OSTC projects Sc-004 and Sc-09 (Nov. 1992 - Oct. 1999); INTAS-93-1693 (June 1995 - June 1996); INTAS-93-1693-Ext (May 1998 - Oct. 1999); INTAS-96-0072 (Feb. 1998 -July 2000).

After the development in the recent past of new research fields, new analyses and multidisciplinary studies in archaeology and chronology a new but separated amounts of data are available in the different institutes where have been selected the teams. The Network will correlate for the first time the results of multidisciplinary research in a significant archaeological area of Europe. Such Network doesn't exist today but will be important part of future archaeological research about the Pleistocene Peopling of Europe.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

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Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Aportación de la UE
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21 all?e de l'Universit?
93023 Nanterre Cedex

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Coste total
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Participantes (10)