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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-23

Physicochemical study of liposome interaction with the surface of fibrous materials in textile dyeing


The vehicle capacity of the liposomes has been explored in different fields (pharmaceutical, cosmetic) with interesting and technological useful results The technology of microencapsulation has given rise to a number of innovations in the textile domain, using the basic principles of targeting, slow release and protection of fibrous material. In the wool field, liposomes have been also applied on the dyeing process at laboratory and industrial level. The clear reduction of the temperature of the dyeing process, with the corresponding energy saving, the ecological benefits of the process (avoiding the use of synthetic auxiliary products) as well as the final quality of the textile dyed are the main advantages of this process.

Even the promissing application of the liposomes in wool dyeing, there is a lack of knowledge about the mechanism of the vesicles in this process. The role of the liposomes as carriers of the dyes and their action on the wool fibre, specially on the lipid wool fraction are the main aims of this project from the basic research point of view.

Firstly, the individual characteristics of the different substrates used (dyes, liposomes, wool) will be studied and progressively the physicochemical behaviour of binary and ternary combinations of those substrates will be considered in order to increase sequentially the complexity of the system. Physicochemical properties of dyes, liposomes and wool will be determined at different pH and temperature ranges. Particular attention will be dedicated to stability and self-assembly characteristics of liposomes prepared with different lipid composition. Chemical and physicochemical interaction of liposome-dyestuff (self assembly and encapsulation efficiency), liposome-wool fibres (vesicle affinity to the fibre surface) and liposome-dyestuff-wool fibre (dyeing kinetics and migration) will be studied at the experimental dyeing conditions. Considering all the results obtained in this research programme, specially on dyeing kinetics, a mathematical approach will be designed considering the main parameters involved in the application of dyestuff onto a fibrous protein-lipid material such as wool when liposome is used as a vehiculizing vesicle tool.

This research could open the use of liposomes of different physicochemical characteristics for a different kind of dyes not only on the wool dyeing process but also on the dyeing of other natural textile materials. In fact, this is the applied goal we try to achieve in order to extend the use of liposomes (non contaminant biological material) in different technological stages of the textile processing.

We believe that the information obtained by this basic research on the interaction mechanisms involved in wool dyeing, may open new technical avenues to implant this clean technology in many conventional industries, specially the textile and leather fields.

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Centro de Investigacisn y Desarrollo, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas
Aportación de la UE
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Jordi Girona, 18-26
08034 Barcelona

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Participantes (3)