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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2022-12-23

Evaluation of coastal pollution status and bioindicators for the Black Sea


The overall objectives of this project are the quantification, through pollution indices, of quality status of the coastal regions of the northern and eastern Black Sea and the testing of the scientific paradigm underlying the indices in the unique conditions of the Black Sea. The index values are intended as tools in management for sustainable development and for the long-term development of monitoring procedures in line with EC Water Framework Directive (200/60/EEC).

There are a number of specific objectives:
1. Calculate indices of system health to quantify status;
2. Calculate indices of biodiversity;
3. Calculate indices of pollutant load on systems;
4. Quantify toxic effects on biota and microbiota;
5. Identify and evaluate potential biomonitors for long-term monitoring;
6. Construct trophic and nutrient networks for systems;
7. Identify key compartments and transfers in system networks.

The sampling programme will emphasise spatial coverage, with temporal coverage for selected components with a strong seasonal signal (e.g. plankton). Analysis of the data will combine indices and analyses in current use in north Atlantic coastal waters with multivariate techniques and methodologies developed by the NIS institutions. The analyses will be extended to cover historical data held in the Sevastopol and Batumi laboratories.

The expected results will establish the pollution status of the coastal zone and will allow the identification of areas and of substances of most concern. They will provide a baseline against which change in status can be objectively measured.
The scientific advances will be in our understanding of system responses to stress and contamination and in the development and refinement of techniques, both analytical and mathematical, for the identification and objective measurement of impacts.
The project is very much aimed at providing the sort of information required for management of coastal systems within the framework of sustainable development.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

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Trinity College Dublin
Aportación de la UE
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2 Dublin

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Coste total
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Participantes (6)